How I cured Hemorrhoids, The Natural Way!!!

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    Oct 31, 2012
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Hemorrhoids, also called piles, are normally present veins in the anus and rectum that become swollen and inflamed. 

Hemorrhoids are actually the anatomical term for Cushions of tissue filled with blood vessels at the junction of the rectum and the anus. It is a condition wherein the veins inside or outside the anus or lower rectum gets inflamed or swollen.  As a person passes stool, Hemorrhoids  get aggravated because of pressure on the rectal area. In some cases, when the condition is severe, bleeding can also occur. 
Hemorrhoids are both internal and external. Internal hemorrhoids, unless they are severe, cannot be seen or felt. External hemorrhoids can be seen around the outside of the anus. Although uncomfortable and embarrassing, it is not normally a serious condition.
Causes Of Hemorrhoids :
> Chronic constipation
> Bowel disorders
> Prolonged periods of standing or sitting
> Obesity
> General weakness of the body tissues
> Mental tension
> Heredity factors
> Dysentery
> Hormonal changes during pregnancy
> Strenuous physical exercise
> Prostate problems in older men
> Straining, to empty the bowels
> Eating a low-fiber diet
Symptoms Of Hemorrhoids :
> Pain or irritation while passing stools
> Bleeding
> Slight bleeding, in case of internal trouble
> Feeling of soreness
> Irritation after passing a stool
> Itching
> Discomfort
> Pain in the rectal region
> Lump on the anus
> Pain and discomfort after you opening the bowels
> Slimy discharge of mucus
> Feeling that the bowels haven't emptied completely
> Soiled undergarments
> Swelling protruding from the anus
> Frequent urge for evacuation
> Loss of appetite
> Yellowish face, due to extensive bleeding
> Heaviness at the opening of anus
> Chronic diarrhea
> Cancer or growths in pelvis or bowel, which puts pressure on abdomen
Here are some natural home remedies for seeking relief from Hemorrhoids :
> Drinking radish juice twice a day is a common remedy for piles. Start off with 1/4 th cup and gradually increase it to half a cup, twice a day.
> Powder dried mango seeds. Mix two teaspoons of this powder with a little honey and eat this twice a day.
> Mix one teaspoon of ginger and lime juice along with mint leaves and honey. Have this two to three times a day.
> To reduce pain due to hemorrhoids, mix one ripe mashed banana in a cup of milk. Have this mixture three to four times a day.
> Jamblang better known as jambul fruit is effective in treating hemorrhoids. This fruit is available during the summers, so make full use of their availability. Eat a handful of jambul with a little salt early in the morning on an empty stomach.
> Rutabaga better known as shalgam, is another useful remedy. Prepare a mixture of 50 ml each of carrot, spinach and rutabaga leaves juice.
> Add some juice of bittergourd mixed with some buttermilk. This should be taken every morning.
> Turmeric has antiseptic and healing properties. Therefore, eat a teaspoon of ground, fresh turmeric root.
> Apply coconut oil on the affected areas will give relief from the burning and itching.
> Prepare a mix of ground, black cumin seeds better known as Black Cumin seeds . Add a teaspoon of this powder to a glass of water and drink once a day, preferably in the morning.
> Mix two tablespoons of honey to one grated raw onion. Have this twice a day.
> Boil a handful of sesame seeds or til, in 500 ml of water, till its reduced to one-third. Make a paste of this and add a teaspoon of butter. Eat this once a day.
> Fiber shows a consistent beneficial effect in relieving hemorrhoid symptoms and bleeding. It can soften stool and increase its bulk, which helps to reduce straining. 
> Warm bathtub bathing many occasions a day within plain, warm water for about 10 minutes. 
> Drink plenty of water,  consuming 6 to 8 glasses of drinking water/fluid will certainly outcome in much softer, bulkier stools. A softer stool tends to make emptying the bowels simpler as well as reduces the pressure upon hemorrhoids triggered by straining.
> Physical exercise, such as walking, along with consuming a high fibre diet, support reduce constipation and also straining simply by creating stools which tend to be much softer and also simpler to pass. 

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George is an avid traveller that loves writing on all topics for Interesting Articles.

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