The Perfect Guide to Choosing Your Next Bathroom Suite

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    Apr 03, 2013
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The Kassandra Bay Hotel Interconnecting Family Room bathroom
The Kassandra Bay Hotel Interconnecting Family Room bathroom
Photo by KassandraBay

Many people place huge importance on their bathrooms. After all it is very hard to compete with the feeling of a long hot soak in the bath. Naturally there will come a time that you might want to consider updating or even renovating this important room. However, making the most out of your bathroom isn’t as easy as people first might think.

Here are some tips that can help you get the most from any potential changes in this room.

Bathroom Suites

Whilst there are certainly options to buy separate items to make up your bathroom, it is far easier and normally more cost effective to choose from complete bathroom suites. When buying all in one, you can be assured that everything will fit together and form a perfect match.

It is good practice to measure things as accurately as possible. This way when the time comes for the installation you will be safe in the knowledge that everything will fit well. If you are really struggling for size with a small bathroom it is sensible to consider some slim-line bathroom furniture.

The size of your bathroom will play an important role in deciding exactly what bathroom suites you can go for. The same logic will also apply to your budget. That said there are many discount bathroom suites available.

Gaining the Illusion of Size

Even with the smallest of bathrooms it is still possible to find something that makes it look and feel bigger. This will normally come in the form of one of the corner bathroom suites. Alternatively a shower and bath combination unit can help to save quite a lot of space.

It should be noted that certain colours will also help to gain the illusion of size. Choosing white gloss bathroom furniture or even just plain white bathroom furniture will help no end in this area. Repainting the walls and subtle use of lighting will also help to make your bathroom feel much larger than it actually is.

Contemporary Styles

Of course if size isn’t really an issue then you might want to consider contemporary bathroom suites. This can work really well in an older style property. Done well you could easily stake a claim for your bathroom to become your most favourite room in the whole house.

Similarly if your budget allows then why not take a peek at some luxury bathroom furniture or even designer bathroom furniture. There are often some great deals that mean that you can get much more than you bargain for.

Bathroom Cleaning Supplies

One final area that shouldn’t be forgotten is trying to generate sufficient space for storage. A smattering of bathroom furniture storage can make the world of difference when trying to find a place for towels as well as bathroom cleaning supplies. Even if you have to go down the route of a freestanding storage unit, it is better than no storage at all.

Author's Profile

Jon Smith is a frequent contributor for Asturias Bathrooms and has written many articles pertaining to all things regarding bathrooms and bathroom suites especially on such subjects as making the best of your bathroom furniture and vanity units.

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