Taking Care of Florida Lawns

  • Added:
    Sep 28, 2013
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Lady Herbert
Lady Herbert's Homes and Garden
Photo by HerryLawford

A lawn is an extension of you home. It is one of the very first things people notice about your home as a whole, so you want it to look great, no matter what the season may bring. Unfortunately, in Florida the summers can be tough on almost any and every plant - grass included. Are you wondering how to get the best possible lawn despite the hot temperatures in the summer? These tips can help.

- If you have St. Augustine grass, keep in mind that chinch bugs are a real problem throughout the state. You’ll notice them right away if you see brown areas that seem to be spreading fairly quickly.

- In most communities, you’ll be up against watering regulations, so you need to monitor things pretty carefully. If you have a timer set-up to water your lawn, be sure you have it set right, and turn your irrigation system off if there’s a long period of particularly wet weather.

- August is the time of year to look out for sod webworms and armyworms. They love to eat the leaves of grasses. While they like Bermuda and St. Augustine varieties, they’ll eat almost anything they can find. If you do start to see damage, it will look like the grass in one area of your lawn has been mowed off too low. Fortunately, it’s completely possible to spot treat for this type of insect.

- Be sure to water in the morning, as that’s when lawns are capable of actively taking the water in. At night, the water is more likely to sit on the leaves of your grass and other plants, and that can lead to fungal disease.

- Make sure you know how to mow properly. You should never remove more than 1/3 of the blade with one mowing. If you have a particularly long lawn, mow it tall, then shorter a few days later. You may end up mowing as much as twice a week during the summer.

Even with the best lawn care tips, things with your lawn can end up going wrong fairly quickly. This is where a professional lawn care service can help out tremendously.

The right lawn care service can make certain to control insects that could damage your lawn as well as weeds that could take over. Thanks to easy access to both pre and post emergent insecticides and herbicides, a Brevard County lawn service can help you have your perfect grass week after week throughout the summer season and for the rest of the year.

They can also help you set up an appropriate irrigation system to ensure your grass gets all of the water it should at the perfect time. If you want beautiful grass without the work, a lawn care service really is the way to go.

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Article Source: Slug-A-Bug

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