Yoga: What's the Big Deal,Incremental Improvement

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    Apr 07, 2014
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Yoga: What Photo by Virat Thakur

I'm a big girl. There's no denying that. There's also denying that yoga advertisements typically, like all other forms of advertising, targets thinner women when it comes to their apparel. So where does that leave the majority of women like me that have some actual meat on their bones? Usually, it designates us to certain parts of the store where fashion can be severely lacking. Thank goodness for companies like Cozy Orange that actually keeps us in mind when it comes down to releasing their yoga clothing lines. Their collection features fashion forward fitness wears, up to a 2XL or size 14.

Oh yes.

So here I am, over the supposedly ideal size 6 and the world at large is telling me that I need to do something about it and do it NOW. But am I overly worried? No. I have never bought into these marketing pitches by companies attempting to make me and millions of women like me feel bad about ourselves, our bodies. I decided to take up yoga because I wanted to ease myself into getting into better shape and I felt like yoga could be the answer. I have never been a fan of lifting weights and I knew I didn't have the stamina for extreme cardio. I'm pretty flexible so I gravitated towards yoga and I must say that the results have been inspiring. Over the past few months, I have watched as my body gradually changed, my breathing improved, and my overall stress levels have fallen dramatically. So what advice can I give women that may be more than a tad overweight and are intimidated about picking up yoga? Well, I would first suggest that you join a class that is low impact and not filled with so many people. If even that is too intimidating, then you can always just buy a DVD for home to use and begin easing your way into a routine. Just remember that it is better to do something than nothing at all. Once you feel comfortable with what you are doing, then maybe you can transition yourself into a public place and join a class that is supportive of fuller figured women trying to get into shape. Trust me. You'd be amazed to know that there are more classes than ever before catering to women over that supposedly perfect size 6 to help them balance their mind, body, and spirit. So at the end of the day? Don't be discouraged. There's a plan and a yoga routine out there waiting for you!
For women that are new to the practice of yoga, they should know that there are a myriad of health benefits associated with the ancient practice. There is yoga class out there that is specifically designed for your goals in mind. At Cozy Orange, our yoga apparel is a great fit as well as affordable and functional. Additionally, we provide a blog that shells out all the pertinent information necessary to get the most out of your yoga session.

Incremental Improvement

By practicing yoga, many women find that they can almost pinpoint the session where their improvements were noticed. Some women go from embarrassing levels of flexibility to unheard of heights in only a few months. Seeing this progress in such intervals proves to be a great motivating factor for many women that practice yoga.

The Pain Game

Warding your body from incessant pain is something that yoga is known for. As it helps you to focus and block out pain frequencies, it is great for those that suffer from joint, muscle, or back pain. Yoga also provides a way to strengthen the core and aid the back without the use of pharmaceutical drugs.

Increased Energy

As with any form of exercise, practicing yoga results in greater overall energy. As you take your classes, over time your energy levels will increase and this will extend throughout your day. Yoga is natural, better than any man-made energy drinks, and is an overall stress reducer to boot. As your energy increases, so does your body's natural defenses to fight infections.

Enhanced Breathing Techniques

Yoga is a great way to help many people learn how to breathe their way to better health. If you have breathing problems or suffer from asthma, a regimen that includes yoga can help you alleviate some of these problems significantly. Check out Cozy Orange's website and find out about our great yoga apparel and the best ways to benefit from a yoga routine.

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The Many Layers of Yoga Apparel, How to Approach Yoga, How to Select Yoga Apparel, The Yoga Novice: A Guide to Gear. yoga apparel and yoga accessories

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