Planning the Perfect Baby Shower

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    Mar 21, 2013
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Baby Clothes
Baby Clothes
Photo by Joe Shlabotnik

It is such an exciting time when you find out you are pregnant or that a close friend or family member is expecting. It's a time of celebration as you watch every step of the pregnancy, help them get ready for their new arrival and plan the baby shower.

A baby shower is an opportunity to give mum clothing, items and necessities for their baby. What so many people don't realise is how expensive having a baby is, so when necessary all chipping in together to purchase one necessary gift can make a huge difference.

See what they need

My first step in the planning of a baby shower is to ask what they need for their baby, it may be more bottles or they're worried about finances. I love giving newborn baby clothes, but I always add a pack or two of nappies to the gift.

Each of my friends will receive something they need for their baby along with some gifts for new-born’s and some nappies, you'd be amazed how many nappies a new-born can go through and they're so expensive.

Spread the Word

As I invite people to the baby shower I always invite them well in advance and let them know some of the things the new mother needs, almost like a wedding list you get when you're attending a wedding.

There is no point for each person arriving to buy the same cheap newborn baby clothes, rather let them purchase items she really needs that makes her life easier and I always suggest a pack of nappies to go with the gift. If she fills an entire cupboard with nappies, well it's something she doesn't have to worry about for a month or two.

While I may always buy a necessity, whether it's a car seat, a bottle sterilizer or nappies, I always choose newborn baby clothes that are unique and something the mum can keep once the child grows up.

Children grow so fast and in a blink of an eye they will be four or five years old and it's hard to remember the tiny baby you held in your arms only years before. Having a gift that you can keep to remind you of their size and remind you of the day they arrived on this earth is something every mother should keep.

Once I've advised every one of the essential gifts and the location of the party, I make sure I arrange enough snacks and drinks, along with some fun games that we can all play to make the party a little more fun. Soon my friend will be tied up with her baby, exhausted with a lack of sleep, so now is the time for her to have some fun with her friends and be spoiled rotten.

Newborn baby clothes that are unique and personalised are fantastic gifts at any baby shower so get online and see what’s available now.

Author's Profile

Avril James is a frequent contributor for Nappy Head the well-established and fashion conscious baby clothes and quality kids clothing. She has written many articles on childrens fashion and personalised baby gifts.

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