Sister Aziza's Devotion To Refugees In Israel

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    Sep 25, 2012
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In the migrant shelters of South Tel Aviv, Israel, a nun, Sister Aziza, born in Eritraea, volunteers as a nurse. Working with the Physicians for Human Rights – Israel, she listens to the terrible stories of the African migrants, escaping from harsh conditions in their home lands, and from the Bedouin human traffickers who prey on them.  The journey across the Sinai desert to reach the safety of Israel is harsh, yet not as fearful as the horrors they have left behind.

The migrants come across the border from Egypt, facing the dangers of the Sinai desert, and they often arrive with the physical signs of torture – whip marks and scars on their bodies where they have been burned with molten plastic. They bring with them emotional scars which are harder to heal. Many have suffered forced labor, kidnap, rape, and have been used as sex slaves. 

Sister Azoz is able to speak with the migrants in their own language, and she has developed a questionnaire to record their histories. Over thirteen hundred have been competed so far, each and every one telling its own individual story of human suffering which is sometimes hard to comprehend.

Sister Aziz is totally available for these refugees, some of whom call her mother. She may be asleep, or at prayer, but she is always there to offer love and support to a suffering soul in need.  She will never turn a person in need away.  Whilst physicians heal the body, she works to heal the soul. Her devotion and love have helped reveal a hitherto little known story of human suffering to the world, and she is the recipient of the US State Department's Trafficking in Persons Heroes Award.

Israel, so often held up for international condemnation, is for once to be congratulated for sheltering these victims of human rights abuse.

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