What Is Christianity?

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    Sep 04, 2012
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There is power in the blood of Jesus Christ who died on the Cross of Calvary for our sins. He is our only way, our only truth. Our Saviour Jesus Christ is our only hope.  His blood is the ONLY remedy to wash away and get us all freed from sins.

Christians are supposed to live like Christ- like. Although we are not perfect, but we try to live according to God's commandments through the guidance of the holy spirit. As human beings, we are full of sins and transgressions, and no, we are by no means better than others, but God is gracious enough to redeem us from our sins, it by the grace of God through Jesus Christ we are given hope and salvation through our faith.

For It is in our human nature to fall in sin. But as long as we repent and humble ourselves before God, He is gracious enough to always forgive. No matter how big our sin, great or small as long as we repent from our hearts and try not make the same mistake. He is always there to forgive.

Following Christ is never easy. Especially when the unbelievers try to persecute Christians like they persecuted Christ. All who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will have its test in their walk of  faith. I believe the sign of God's second coming is at hand. As we can see the signs of the last days. Christians are under fire and we all need to pray together, lifting up each other. Praying without ceasing because the work of the enemy is growing stronger.

If there's a time that we all need to be on our knees praying and lifting our country in prayers, the time is now. We all need to lift each other in faith and in truth. Supporting each other as Christians. We should resist division but unity  to stand together against evil. As scripture references to spiritual
warfare, .... of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the
heavenly realms. But the good news is,

all prophecies of Jesus’ birth, life, death, and resurrection were fulfilled and finished at the cross. Most importantly, the power of sin and Satan were finished. We are given the power to thread on serpents and scorpions and all the power of the enemy  by raising the sheild of "Faith" in the one who completed the work of redemption and salvation by faith we can live as new creations through Christ Jesus.

The cross is the beginning of new life for all who were once dead in sin and made alive In Christ Jesus. If God is with us, who can be against us? So let's continue to make a stand through God's words. In repentance of our sins, we will find forgiveness and peace in our hearts. For God's grace always abounds. Let's continue to pray and have faith. For without faith, it is impossible to please God. Through faith we can live a victorious in Christ Jesus.

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Ellen Carter enjoys writing articles for InterestingArticles.com. View the Ellen Carter Author Profile

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