Reasons to Switch from Dialup to Broadband Internet

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    Nov 22, 2012
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Broadband Internet transmits Internet signals sometimes more than 40 times faster than dialup Internet. If you’re still using a telephone line to get a signal and search the web, it’s time to upgrade to broadband. You deserve the speed of broadband!

Unlike dial-up, broadband isn’t going to tie up your phone line when you’re trying to surf the web. What if someone important is calling? If you’re online and it’s engaging your phone line, you could be missing important calls and that’s not conducive to a healthy lifestyle. Instead, make the switch to Broadband Internet. Broadband is going to mean you won’t miss another important phone call.

Downloading music, photos and even webpages with a dialup connection can be likened to waiting for a turtle to cross the Brooklyn Bridge…the long way! It’s slow. You don’t have to suffer those slow speeds anymore. Upgrading is going to have profound effect on you, as songs, pictures and more will download and upload in mere seconds. You can stream movies, music and more without any interruption to the connection.

The broadband connection does not disengage. The connection is always on and can be engaged at any time, often wirelessly from devices and more. This means you don’t have to listen to a long period of buzzing and squawking as your dial up connects to the Internet. Instead, whenever you sit down at your computer, you’ll find you’re always connected. Broadband Internet will only disengage if there is an underlying technical issue to deal with.

Acquiring a broadband connection isn’t difficult or expensive. Many cable providers also offer a broadband cable upgrade. This simply requires you to make a phone call to your cable provider and request they send a technician to set up with cable Internet. Another broadband option engages your telephone line, without tying it up. This is called Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL). Lastly, you could contact a satellite company for broadband satellite Internet. Satellite is sometimes the only option for those living in very rural areas.

Price is likely a flat-rate monthly payment for Broadband Internet, somewhere between $30 and $80. This may seem expensive compared to your dialup connection, but you’re getting better speeds and you don’t have to worry about having a second phone line, which should be factored into your dialup bill. If you don’t have a dedicated second phone line, you’re still engaging your active phone line. One important missed call could have a disastrous impact on your life. It’s not worth the risk.  

When it comes to upgrading your Internet, you’ll be doing yourself a favor by abandoning your old dialup connection in favor of something faster. These days in order to get the most from the web you need to have a fast connection that’s able to download the complicated technologies many sites now use. Now is the time to upgrade to broadband. Broadband Internet keeps your phone lines clear and means you can stay online for longer.  

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