Why Choose Server Colocation?

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    Aug 19, 2014
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Why Choose Server Colocation? Photo by Reagan Fernandes

When you are considering colocation services, there are several variables you need to focus on. Will the network and bandwidth be dependable? Will it be profitable? Will colocation services in Mumbai offer reliable power redundancy? In the midst of these questions, you just really need to decide whether you would like to colocate your servers, as opposed to hosting in your own space.

Once you have decide whether colocation hosting can be aligned to your business or not, the quality of services that the data center offer comes into question. With these questions, you can understand whether using this will improve the results of your server and hence the website. Let’s look at them in detail:


Every colocation services in Mumbai or Pune will be more affordable when compared to owning your own data center. At the same time, though,it does need to offer better network. Most colocation hosting services must have 99.99% uptime as well as network redundancy, the latter being designed to improve your connectivity. A better quality of network in affordable prices is one of the primary reasons for selecting colocation services.


This is like the most established advantage of using colocation hosting in Mumbai, Pune or anywhere in India for that matter, as data centers have better physical security standards with biometric security, 24X7 surveillance, cabinet locks and firewalls. The server colocation will make your data much safer. However,   


This is a significant advantage as it comes to the table with multi-fold structure. You do not need on-site technical personnel to monitor the availability of the website or on-network services. The access to technical staff 24X7 is part of the data center services available to you. You have power redundancy. Your website will remain available even if the power in the entire city shuts down. You will get access to their HVA C cooling services. The fire protection and disaster protection is a significant part of the server colocation. With these services in place, you can be sure of a significantly high quality infrastructure. You can access it via server colocation. The colocation services in Mumbai and Pune maintain the highest standards to services possible for international and national clients. So, being a part of it has the added advantage indeed.

Colocation hosting is becoming a popular trend in world of web hosting for a reason. The quality of services is available at far too affordable rates. There are very few organizations that can afford these standards of services individually and fewer can get the rates. As the local colocation services rise to offer international standards of network, bandwidth, security and local infrastructure, all you need to ask is, is there any reason not to.

Author's Profile

Reagan is a Marketing Executive& IT writer at Web werks Pvt. Ltd. . He is passionate in changing the way consumer feel about and connect with brands. He has explored much over Colocation Hosting Services in India & adjacent services. He is extremely passionate about reading books & Football.

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