Home Remedies for Low Testosterone

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    Jul 10, 2013
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Home Remedies for Low Testosterone Photo by John Andrews

Testosterone is often associated with manliness and masculinity. There may be a social stigma attached to low testosterone levels which may have an emotional impact, but low testosterone also affects men in physiologically.  The loss in production of testosterone results in adverse effects such a weak libido and poor performance. The problem of low testosterone starts cropping up after a man has attained a certain age, generally after the 50 year old mark has been passed. Low testosterone is often known as the male version of menopause, so this issue is common among men of a certain age.

Although this is a regular occurrence, and chances are a majority of older men will experience it, there’s no reason to panic, or start piling up on testosterone injections as there are simple, easy to execute, solutions to raise testosterone levels that have worked wonders and are worth attempting before taking more radical measures.

Work those muscles
The first step to bringing up your testosterone levels is hitting the weights. Hard repetitions to the point where your muscles start tingling is the place you want to be, as this is when the muscles create lactic acid, which directly results in higher testosterone creation, although it is advisable to not overdo things, and take sufficient rest to allow the body to recuperate. Consult a fitness expert or gym instructor to find out how much you can push yourself without causing damage to your muscles. Indulging in physical intimacy too is a known method for raising testosterone levels, although, again overdoing things is not advisable.

Pick the right food
Studies show that eating foodstuff containing non-saturated fats, such as olive oil and nuts, and foods that contain saturated fats, such as dairy products and red meat increases testosterone levels.  Herbs such as ginseng and saw palmetto are age old remedies for boosting testosterone levels. Zinc is also a known remedy for testosterone, so multivitamins containing zing or foodstuff that is high on zinc such as watermelon seeds, pumpkins and oysters are apt additions to your diet.
Cutting down on alcohol and cigarettes  is also imperative to increasing testosterone levels. Beer in particular should be consumed as minimally as possible, though stopping alcohol consumption completely, while optimal, isn’t absolutely necessary.

Supplement your diet
There are a great number of health supplements available in the market that can help with low testosterone. Ageless Male  is one such product. It’s a natural-based supplement containing essential ingredients such as pyridoxine, magnesium, zinc and testofen. These ingredients are picked based on studies that have identified them as key to improving testosterone levels. Its effectiveness is further outlined by Ageless Male supplement’s reviews, which have been written by regular users of the product. These consumers appear highly satisfied with the supplement and its impact on improving testosterone levels.
These home remedies are easy to follow and have been proven to work in terms of building testosterone levels, so whether you’re approaching a certain age or have started feeling the effects of a low testosterone count, follow these remedies astutely and you should see a marked improvement in this regard.

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There are a great number of health supplements available in the market that can help with low testosterone. Ageless Male is one such product. Its effectiveness is further outlined by Ageless Male supplement’s reviews, which have been written by regular users of the product.

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