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    Sep 08, 2012
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Whenever you think of Twitter, you just feel it as another social networking site like Facebook, Google Plus etc. Although it is considered to be so and it does serve social networking purposes also, there are differences and additional functions and options in this. In an exclusive manner many serious people are attracted to tweeting. It is the very reason eminent personalities, political leaders, showbiz  personalities, religious and spiritual gurus, philosophers, students and most great organisations of all nature have started accounts in Twitter and very regularly tweeting. To name a few are Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Amitabh Bachan, Deepak Chopra, TIME.

In the media, people are using Twitter as a publishing resource for readers and journalists. It can work as an advertising tool for information regarding interesting events and write ups published in press and blogposts. It is also a great help for people who are not usually and regularly reading periodicals or visiting web sites of news agencies.

The very tag word of Twitter is "Find out what’s happening, right now, with the people and organizations you care about." By following your favorite people of your choice of field, you can very well know their whereabouts and have up to date informations on their lives daily, hourly or even through shorter periods. Twitter is the easiest mode or media to pass on informations of private or public nature to your selected followers or whoever you want to let know. You can study and evaluate your associates by following their tweets.

As any content in Twitter is limited to 140 characters and hence concise and to the point it is easier and more convenient to access through cell phones and similar small gadgets having internet access. The procedure is also very simple on your fingertips and minimum time consuming.

It is interesting to note incidental and widely used terms like twitterer, twittering, twitterrific etc which shows the popularity of this social network among the crowd of high knowledge.

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Vp Ahmed enjoys writing articles for InterestingArticles.com. View the Vp Ahmed Author Profile

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