How to Tell When You Need Horse Wormers

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    Dec 17, 2012
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Worms are a very common parasite in your horse’s system, which is why it is crucial to give your horse a worming treatment with horse wormers on a regular basis. Most horses will have a small population of worms within them all of the time which they can tolerate easily, but it is when the worm population grows when the health of your horse in is danger.

How can you tell if your horse is suffering from an infestation of worms? Here are a few simple tips for getting proper confirmation:

Check Your Horse’s Stool

When you take a look at the droppings your horse leaves behind, they should mostly consist of hay. However, if there are worms present in the system they will climb to the top of the pile and lay there. This makes them very easy to spot.

Appearance Clues

If your horse is suffering from an infestation of worms you will also see a difference in its appearance. Its coat will start to look more dull and drab and patches will develop.

Another appearance change is that your horse’s stomach will start to look large and bulging while the rest of its body appears slimmer. This is usually a sure sign that your horse is having a problem with worms.

Also, take a look at your horse’s gums; they might appear pale which is a result of poor blood circulation and another symptom of a worm infection.

Behavioural Clues

There will also be a few changes in behaviour which should give you some clues that your horse is suffering from worms. Your horse will show a lack of energy and will start to act lethargic and slow. You might also see it eating a lot more than usual, because the worms will be taking away all of the food nutrients and it is trying to compensate. This is a sure sign that you need to purchase horse wormers right away.

The worms will make your horse’s bottom itchy as well, so watch to see if it is rubbing itself on things or looking bothered and uncomfortable.

If you determine that your horse has worms from these symptoms, it is important to get them treated by a vet right away. Worms can make your horse very sick if they are left untreated. You will need to find yourself the appropriate horse wormers for sale and administer the appropriate dose to your horse along the schedule recommended by your veterinarian.

A regular programme of equine wormers will prevent your horse from becoming re-infested with worms again. Make sure that you always give the correct dose and that you use weigh tape in order to get an accurate measure of your horse’s weight. It is also important to rotate your horse to a different paddock so that the other can be cleaned to break the cycle of re-infection.

Taking care of the heath of your horse is very important. There are just a few symptoms to look out for when determining whether or not your horse has a serious worm problem and needs horse wormers.

Debbie Reade is a frequent contributor of articles for and has written on many subjects pertaining to all animal needs including cats and dogs but mainly on the subject of Equine health.

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Debbie Reade is a frequent contributor of articles for and has written on many subjects pertaining to all animal needs including cats and dogs but mainly on the subject of Equine health.

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