What Women should know about Prostate Health

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    May 29, 2013
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What Women should know about Prostate Health Photo by Jeffrey Eadie

Prostate disease continues to be one of the top reasons why most men over the age of 50 see their doctors. Nearly a third of all men, 60 years and beyond, suffer from varying degrees of prostate growth. Increased frequency of urination is the classic side effects of prostate growth, and no doubt, as the wife and partner, you will be affected by what your guy is going through, to some extent. Here are a few things you should know, especially if your husband is over 60, visits the bathroom all too often, or is at risk of prostate disorder.

What Women should know about the Prostate

  • The prostate is a small gland located in the pelvic region. It’s an important part of the reproductive system because it produces a fluid that protects and nourishes the sperm. It’s often the most overlooked organ in the body, till it begins to expand and cause urinary flow trouble in middle-aged men.
  • The most telltale sign of prostate growth is increased urination. It can interfere with sexual intercourse as well. It’s not painful as much as it’s annoying, (no) thanks to the incessant bathroom trips, interrupting sleep and making men more irritable during the day.
  • Prostate growth can’t be reversed or stopped but a few lifestyle changes can be used to control it. Make sure your guy is following these suggestions:
  1. A low-fat diet consisting of more vegetables and fruits reduces the risk of prostate disease.
  2. Limit the consumption of caffeinated and alcoholic beverages as they are bladder irritants and may aggravate the condition.
  3. Avoid drinking fluids after 8 pm, to reduce the need to visit the bathroom frequently at night.
  4. A few minutes of exercise every day keeps the prostate in good shape and strengthens the body’s defense against illness. Inactivity can cause urine retention and also result in weight gain.
  • Super Beta Prostate Supplement is a supplement targeted for men facing severe urinary flow problems. It contains plant sterols that reduce swelling and lessen age-related discomfort. Urge your husband or partner to go through a bunch of Super Beta Prostate reviews to see how this product has been a blessing in disguise for prostate sufferers, especially if he visits the bathroom frequently at night.
  • High-risk men should have an annual prostate examination, as early detection is the key to managing it and checking further growth of the disease.

Men often put off going to the doctor citing numerous reasons. Make sure he eats a wholesome diet, doesn’t drink in excess, quits smoking, and works out regularly. Encourage him to visit the doctor for regular screenings, just like you would go for an annual gynecological exam. Stay informed and up-to-date about his medical condition; and encourage him to commit to a healthy lifestyle for good prostate health.

Author's Profile

Super Beta Prostate Supplement is a supplement targeted for men facing severe urinary flow problems.Urge your husband or partner to go through a bunch of Super Beta Prostate reviews to see how this product has been a blessing in disguise for prostate sufferers, especially if he visits the bathroom frequently at night.

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