Safe Sex and Condoms: What Every Man Needs to Know to Protect Himself

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    Jun 14, 2013
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Safe Sex and Condoms: What Every Man Needs to Know to Protect Himself Photo by John Dugan

Condoms are perhaps the most popular form of protection from STDs and unplanned pregnancy. Even still, many men have questions about the necessity and proper usage of condoms. Learn more about condoms and why they are an integral part of a man’s penis health.

Is a condom needed in a monogamous relationship?

There are a few factors to consider when deciding on protection when one is in a monogamous relationship. First and foremost, have both partners been tested for all STDs, including HIV/AIDS? If both partners were tested before the sexual relationship began, or within the past 6 months, and the test results came back negative, a condom may not be necessary for protection against transmittable diseases. A second factor to consider is whether both partners are truly monogamous. If a man has been in a steady long-term relationship and there is no history or fear of infidelity, forgoing a condom may be within the realm of consideration. Lastly, is a condom the only form of birth control being used, or is pregnancy a concern in the relationship? If both partners are okay with oral contraception, or if the couple is okay with the possibility of a pregnancy - feel free to ditch the condoms. Alternatively, if the man has had a vasectomy, the woman has had a tubal ligation or is menopausal, wherein pregnancy is no longer physically possible, there is no need for condoms to prevent pregnancy.

Ultimately, the decision to lose the condoms is a joint one that should be made by both partners involved. Taking into consideration the strength and trust of the relationship, as well as the sexual health and the reproductive status of both partners, is necessary before going au naturel.

Are condoms foolproof?

Unfortunately, they are not. Though condoms are the first line of defense against STDs and pregnancy, they still need to be used properly. Studies have found that condoms are about 99% effective against the transmission of STD’s when used correctly. Expired condoms should never be used, as the material may have started to deteriorate, so if the use-by date is passed, toss them. Condoms also need to be stored properly. They should never be allowed to get too hot or too cold as that may damage the integrity of the material, nor should the package be bent or crumpled. Avoid storing them in a steamy bathroom, a glove compartment or a wallet, as an improperly stored condom is more likely to fail.

Additionally, condoms should fit the penis properly. Too loose, and they risk slipping off and spilling ejaculate; too tight, and they may tear or rip. Condoms should be put on before any penetration or genital touching occurs, as disease transmission and pregnancy can occur from pre-ejaculate -that tiny bit of semen that appears on the penis during arousal. The only foolproof method of birth control or STD protection is complete abstinence.

Can two condoms provide double protection?

Absolutely not! While it is often the case that two is better than one, this is not one of those times. Two condoms - either doubling up on male condoms, or using a male and female condom at the same time - actually results in double trouble. The friction from the two rubbers is likely to cause tears, increasing the chance of an accident. If one wants to "double up" on protection, a better pairing would be a condom and oral contraceptive, or a condom with spermicide.

How do condoms keep the penis healthy?

Condoms provide a protective sheath that surrounds the penis in its entirety; this prevents the transmission of STD. This is especially important, as there are several diseases which can be transmitted even when no symptoms are evident, leading to a very unpleasant surprise down the road. In addition to always using a condom, men should use a high-quality penis vitamin creme to keep their manhood healthy and resilient (most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). A penis oil packed with vitamin A - which helps eliminate bacteria - can help to guard against pesky yeast infections, penis pimples and other unwanted penis lumps and bumps which are not the product of a sexual encounter. Applying penis oil daily as part of the grooming routine can help keep the skin smooth, while contributing to overall penis health and function.

Author's Profile

For additional information on most common penis health issues, tips on improving penis sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy penis, visit: John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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