Penis Self-Exam A How-To Guide for Men

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    Mar 03, 2013
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Penis Self-Exam A How-To Guide for Men Photo by John Dugan

It’s safe to say that by the time a man reaches adulthood, he is quite familiar with the topography of his penis, not to mention alert to any signs of an abnormality. This intimate knowledge of the penis is healthy, since early treatment is important to resolving many different types of problems.

In fact, performing a regular self-exam is recommended for all men, young and old, in order to keep track of any unusual conditions and get help when something doesn’t seem quite right. Following the steps outlined below can help guys to take control of their penis health. One thing to keep in mind - although a man knows his own body best, self-diagnosis and treatment is generally not a good idea. If something isn’t right, it should be checked out by a doctor, even if it doesn’t seem like a big deal. In addition, men should have regular check-ups with a qualified health professional.

Why perform a personal penis health check?

Penile and testicular cancers have a significantly more positive prognosis if caught in the early stages; therefore, performing regular self-checks can increase a man’s chance of recovery. Furthermore, even for men who take precautions, there is always a risk of contracting an STD; catching these early can help to prevent spreading them to others. Some STDs can be identified by the presence of sores, blisters, lesions, changes in color, or unusual discharge; however, certain communicable diseases can be present in the body without causing any visible symptoms, so there is never any excuse for not taking care.

How to do a penis self-exam and what to look for

A penis health check is best performed after a warm shower, which relaxes the muscles, as well as rinsing away any residue of skin cells or body fluids that might alter the appearance of the skin.

To start with, men should check the scrotum for any signs of change in skin color or texture. For guys who are not especially flexible, a mirror may be helpful here. Rolling the testicles gently between the thumb and fingers, men should check for any unusual bumps, lumps or painful areas. In some cases, a slight bump may be felt at the back of the testicles - this is most likely the epididymis, a small tube that carries sperm, and should not be a cause for concern unless it is painful.

After checking the scrotum, men should look over all parts of the penis for any lumps, sores, blisters or discolorations. The presence of any of these on the upper thighs or anywhere in the groin area should also be noted.

How often should a penis self-exam be done?

A self-check of the penis and groin area should be done at least once a month; if any abnormalities are detected, men should abstain from sex until they have seen a doctor and been cleared for action.

Caring for the penis and protecting penile health

While most men will experience occasional issues such as dryness, irritation, minor skin infections, and soreness, these conditions can be kept to a minimum with proper care. In addition, a little TLC for the penis can go a long way toward preventing more serious problems from developing.

Keeping it clean is one of the most important steps, as good hygiene can decrease the risk of irritation from accumulated skin cells and body fluids. Skin that is clean, smooth and supple is less likely to develop tiny fissures that allow infectious agents to penetrate, increasing the likelihood of infection, STDs and even penile cancer.

Wearing comfortable clothing that is not too tight, yet holds the equipment in place, can help to prevent chafing and other injuries to the skin. In addition, applying a penis vitamin creme (most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) after showering can help to ensure that the penis receives the nutrients needed to support healthy blood flow, regenerate stressed skin cells and promote penis sensation.

Author's Profile

For additional information on most common penis health issues, tips on improving penis sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy penis, visit: John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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