Exercise and Prostate Wellness

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    Feb 20, 2013
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Exercise and Prostate Wellness Photo by Jeffrey Eadie

It has long been established that exercise is good for every aspect of life. It releases endorphins for a happy mind and it improves circulation of blood. So let’s take a deeper look into how exercise helps prevent damage to the prostate gland.

What weakens the prostate:
The prostate is susceptible to many maladies. One of the reasons for these is genetic predisposition but many times lifestyle is a huge contributor to prostate health. A lifestyle that promotes weight gain, where you’re eating a lot more calories than you’re using makes it very difficult for the prostate to function optimally. Fat that is stored acts as an organ and secretes inflammatory substances and causes oxidation in cells. Oxidation releases free radicals that are destructive to the cells around them. These free radicals are cleaned up by anti-oxidants.

How exercise helps:
Exercise releases anti-oxidants. These keep the cells from oxidizing and breaking out free radicals that damage the prostate. Many have said that exercise is the best anti-oxidant. No matter how much wholesome food you eat the best thing you could do for your body is exercise. The exercises that prove to be best are ones that require endurance—running, walking, swimming, biking and the like. Find something you like to do and get on with a good work-out every day.

Recent findings:
A recent study about exercise benefits on prostate cancer seemed to say that exercising was more beneficial to Caucasian men rather than African-American men. It seems to me that this has been blown completely out of proportion.

• Association: The truth is that there is an association between exercise and the lowered risk of prostate cancer in white men but that is not a cause and effect relationship. Words are important and the study is clear that no causation is obvious among the two. The fact that there is an association between time for which a person exercises and the development of prostate related problems does not mean that the lack of such an association in African-American men proves anything. That’s why the statement that the benefits of exercise are greater for Caucasian men is too broad and can be misinterpreted.

• Exercise refreshed: If you think again and let all the information churn in your brain, you’ll see that the benefits of exercise are many and do have extensive effects on men regardless of race. The explosion of this one study and the seemingly careless use of words should not discourage exercise in anyway.

Besides exercise, some of the other ways men can improve prostate health are eating anti-oxidant rich foods like tomatoes. High-fiber diets are also very effective in developing a healthy prostate so make sure you get a good amount of fruit and vegetable in your diet. Dietary supplementation is a worthy consideration. Natural supplements that contain beta-sitosterol are popular and successful. Many supplements like these are thought to be scams but Super Beta Prostate has shown that is it not a scam through clinical research. This supplement not only contains beta-sitosterol and other plant sterols but also contains over a dozen minerals that you can read more about in Super Beta Prostate review. We hope that this article has been both informative and encouraging as you journey on to prostate wellness.

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Many supplements like these are thought to be scams but Super Beta Prostate has shown that is it not a scam through clinical research.This supplement not only contains beta-sitosterol and other plant sterols but also contains over a dozen minerals that you can read more about in Super Beta Prostate review.

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