A Proactive Approach to Prostate Health

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    Feb 20, 2013
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A Proactive Approach to Prostate Health Photo by Jeffrey Eadie

Every year, almost a third of all American men develop prostate health issues. The prostate is a small gland that’s nestled below the bladder and wraps around the neck of the urethra. It undergoes a growth spurt in adolescent boys when it doubles in size and then stabilizes for a few years. As men near fifty, it’s subject to another growth phase. During this phase, it enlarges considerably in size, sometimes growing big enough to push against the bladder and squeeze the urethra. This can cause a host of urinary flow problems. Frequent urination, especially at night, an intense urge to urinate and be near a bathroom all the time, leaking after urination, and a hesitant and feeble urine stream are telltale signs of a prostate disorder.
Men who suffer from prostate disorder or are at risk should be proactive in their approach toward prostate health. A constant urge to urinate can put men in a highly awkward situation. Sleepless nights lead to irritable mornings, which can adversely impact their professional life as well. It’s never too late to begin taking care of your prostate health so you minimize the risk of prostate disease and don’t fall prey to its embarrassing signs.

Tips for Good Prostate Health

  • Eat more fruits and vegetables. Lycopene-rich foods such as tomatoes, pink grapefruit, guava, and watermelons are great for prostate health. Similarly, cruciferous veggies such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, and cauliflower contain anti-inflammatory compounds that lower the chances of prostate health issues.
  • Go easy on meat products, especially red meat. The prevalence of prostate problems in men who follow a meat diet is higher than those who eat more fruits and vegetables.
  • Include soy products in your diet. Soy contains isoflavones, compounds that inhibit the progression of prostate health issues.
  • Physical activity is a must if you wish to remain healthy and disease-free. Engage in a few minutes of daily exercise daily to fortify your immune system and keep prostate disorders away. It’ll also help you shed a few unwanted pounds; obesity is a leading risk factor for prostate issues.
  • Try Super Beta Prostate – a supplement exclusively designed for better prostate health. Its active ingredient is Beta Sitosterol, a plant ester that’s anti-inflammatory in nature and works by binding to the prostate gland and inhibiting swelling, lowering urinary flow troubles. Super Beta Prostate Supplement reviews indicate that hundreds of men found relief after using it thanks to reduced bathroom trips and a better night’s sleep.
  • Give up smoking. It’s good advice for your overall health, not just the prostate!
  • If you’re over 50, schedule annual prostate screenings with your doctor. Early detection is the key to effectively manage any health issue and stop it from worsening.


Most men forget or ignore their prostate health till problems start cropping up. Don’t wait till it’s too late. For optimum prostate health, educate yourself, lead a healthy lifestyle, and initiate a discussion about this little gland that can have big consequences if not taken care of in the right way!

Author's Profile

Try Super Beta Prostate – a supplement exclusively designed for better prostate health. Super Beta Prostate Supplement reviews indicate that hundreds of men found relief after using it thanks to reduced bathroom trips and a better night’s sleep.

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