Indian Gold And Diamond Jewelery To Adorn Your Hair

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    Aug 21, 2013
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Indian Gold And Diamond Jewelery To Adorn Your Hair Photo by Ashish  Kaith

Since ancient times, India has been popular for two things – one, for various aromatic spices in food, which tingle the taste buds; and the second, being its love for gold jewelery While Indian traditional jewelery has already won the hearts of millions with its extravagant designs and colorful intricate artwork, some jewelery is not as famous as their counterparts. The jhoomar, tikka, rakodi and jadai banjara are some of them.

Worn on the forehead, the tikka is a headpiece that forms a vital part of Indian jewelery. Decorating brides and temple dancers in the southern parts of India, this headpiece is usually worn by every woman in the North, irrespective of her age. The tikka collection of India is as diverse as the country, where it was born. The tikkas used in the Southern parts of India are flamboyant with emeralds, rubies, pearls and sparkling diamonds forming an intricate pattern on 18K pure yellow gold. They cover almost the entire forehead and are often paired with decorative head pins of the same pattern on the adjacent sides of the head. They look best on traditional clothes when paired with a gold necklace, which bears precious stones similar to the colours used in the tikka. The tikkas used in North India are simple and light in weight. They are neat and fall exactly on the parted centre of your hair. Embellished with pearls, kundan and precious stones, these tikkas can be worn everyday and complement any attire.

Similar to a tikka, the jhoomar is elaborate with fine sparkling precious stones and pearls studded on white or yellow gold. Worn sideways, this head ornament covers a major part of the hair, while falling adjacent to the eyebrows. Traditionally, this jewelery was used only by the women of royal heritage; but now, this head jewelery is a common wedding accessory worn by most Muslim women. Also called as a side tikka, this jewelery looks best when paired with heavy diamond jewelery. Although this head piece may seem to be heavy, the equal weight distribution and its design makes it more lightweight and trendy than the tikkas of Southern India.

Known as jadai banjara and kesh chotli, this head piece is usually worn by women in the Southern part of India, during their weddings or other special occasions. Individual decorative pieces made of pure yellow gold, this head piece is a long elaborate chain embellished with precious stones, which is attached with a string on the long plaited hair. Although, this head jewelery is rich and looks best when paired with luxurious silk sarees, a lighter version of the same with a few flowers will also look beautiful on a flowing long dress. The rakodi is the traditional Indian head pin which is used by women on special occasions. Used to decorate a bun or plaited hair, this gold jewelery is used as a single piece of ornament, or in combination with a jadai banjara, which makes it look more appealing.


Ashish Kaith has profound knowledge in the field of jewelery designing. Being experienced and specialized in Indian gold jewelery, he writes articles to educate the masses on various types of  jewelery.

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