The Top 7 Unstoppable Traffic Generation Strategies To Bring In Tons Of Traffic

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    Oct 08, 2013
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The Top 7 Unstoppable Traffic Generation Strategies To Bring In Tons Of Traffic Photo by Tim Morisma

With so many traffic-generating strategies on the Internet, it is extremely important to focus on the right traffic strategy that works best for your business. This can be very challenging if you don't know where to start or what to do. This article will focus on the most effective traffic generating strategies that will save you both time and money.

Article Marketing

Article marketing is a form of marketing that involves you writing articles and distributing your articles in article directories, blogs and web 2.0 content hubs for the purpose of promoting your website. The idea is to generate interest through your article by offering valuable information that will draw the reader to your website. The great thing about this strategy is that it's simple to do and it's a free way to generate massive traffic to your website.

Ad Swaps

Ad Swaps is a very valuable way to build your email list and a free way to generate traffic. This consists of marketers swapping email ads with each other's emails list by promoting each other's offer to their list to extend their audience. Which basically means, you promote your offer to their list and they promote their offer to your list, therefore increasing the size each other's list. Both marketers will benefit by adding more people to their list who are interested in each other's offer. And they key to maximizing your online marketing campaign is to consistently increase the size of your email list.

Solo Ads

Now this method involves increasing your email list by buying a solo ad that promotes your offer through an email instead of swapping ads with other marketers. This is the easiest way to get instant results. The key thing you must understand when you're researching the multitude of solo ad sellers is being able to find sellers who has an email list that are comprised of actual buyers. Marketers who are successful with solo ads build a list of actual buyers.

Banner Advertising

Banner advertising is a very effective way to generate traffic for your online business. The idea is to have a very appealing image and message with a very strong call to action. Banner can be found on most sites in the sidebar or footer area of a website. There are free banner advertising such as Banner Ad Exchange and Sweeva and there are paid banner advertising such as Google AdWords, Yahoo! Advertising. When done properly, banner advertising is a cost-effective way to display attractive images that brings targeted traffic to your site, which leads to more brand awareness.

PPC (Pay-Per-Click) Advertising

PPC advertising is one of the fastest ways to generate traffic to your website. It is a very cost-effective strategy that involves you bidding on keywords to display your ads with your ads being displayed in the sponsored results section of search results pages, and you only paying for your ads when someone clicks through your ad. Using systems such as Google AdWords, Yahoo Search Marketing and others can maximize your traffic and attract more potential customers to your website.

Facebook Ads

With billions of users on Facebook, you can reach just about anyone with your ads. Although Facebook Ads is a form of paid advertising, the ad costs are considerably a lot lower than other paid advertising platforms like Google AdWords. Facebook allows you to reach any segment of people through their interest and demographics. You can even target a custom audience for even lower ad costs. You can create a Facebook ad for a Facebook fan page, Event, or a website. If done right, Facebook can be a very powerful form of paid advertising.

PPV (Pay-Per-View) Advertising

PPV is the new frontier in online advertising. Although it's been around for years, there is a rapid growing rate of marketers using this platform to generate massive traffic. PPV networks basically offer free software to users and in exchange for using the free software users agree to have adware installed in their computers. The PPV advertising is done within the adware and when a user takes a specific action, a new browser opens up with your capture page and you get charged anytime this happens. PPV is the most lease expensive form of advertising ranging anywhere from half a penny to two cents.

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By the way, do you want to learn more Unstoppable Traffic Generation Strategy To Bring In Tons Of Traffic, and also help you make maximum profits in minimum time? If so, I suggest you check this out: FREE VIDEO

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