Why it Pays to Buy Phone and Internet from the Same Company

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    May 21, 2013
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Mobile Marketing for Small & Medium Business | Colorado
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Today there are many companies that offer Internet and phone services. Some people even still have landlines from their phone company. Others have cable TV, a cell phone and Internet from three different companies. All of these combinations can be confusing when bill payment time comes around. Instead of having three or more bills to pay for one’s communication needs, finding one company to handle it all can be a money saver. If one is shopping for communications services in the Boulder or Longmont, Colorado area, there are some companies who give excellent rates when phone and Internet services are purchased together. Wherever one is shopping for these services, it can pay to do some investigating to see if one company can handle every communication need.

A few years ago the communications industry offered a variety of bundle packages that customers could choose to save money on their bill. For example, if one purchased high speed Internet, VoIP phone and TV there was a special bundle price for all three of these. The communications companies thought that customers would enjoy this convenience and money savings. While many people did sign up for these bundles, soon customers made it known that they wanted more choice. They wanted to create their own bundles. At first not too many communications companies responded to these requests, but competition dictated that they become more flexible with their offerings.

Today customers, especially with the rise of social media, have voiced their opinions on the types of communication services they want. Now there are more choices than ever for residential and business phone and Internet services. Some providers also offer cloud services and technical support, so home and office Internet and networking setups can be optimized for any number of users. Voice and data WiFi and LAN access are offered at blindingly fast speeds, and customers can create and consume content at a pace that would have been unimaginable just 5 years ago.

Consumers who want to consolidate their phone and Internet services with one company can do a few Internet searches for providers in their area. Testimonials on the providers’ sites are one place to start investigating their reputations. Some of the review sites and social networks will offer descriptions of customer experiences across the country. While no provider offers 100% reliability, there are those who offer higher ratings than others. Those providers with the highest overall ratings as compared to price can comprise a short list of firms to check out. New customers usually receive special ‘welcome’ deals, which can be negotiated. Many people don’t try negotiating with communications service providers, and in not doing so, miss out on some good money saving opportunities. Most providers will negotiate, especially if one mentions that they saw a better deal elsewhere. Ultimately a little investigation into custom service bundles and getting one company as a service provider can save consumers time and money.

Author's Profile

The author has experience with Boulder Phone service. To learn more about Boulder High Speed Internet related info, visit his website.

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