3 Quick-Start Steps On How To Generate Leads For Your Internet Network Marketing Business
Being able to generate network marketing leads is the single most important skill a network marketer must have. If you don't get good at generating leads your business will crumble and like most people you'll eventually quit the company you have joined because of lack of results. The traditional way that most network marketers build their business is by asking their friends and family to join their business opportunity, but once they run out of people to talk to, it's time to start looking for more ways recruit more people into their business. In this article I will share 3 simple steps on how to generate network marketing leads
Step 1.
Build your business online. Your goal is to set up a way to collect information of each person who visits your site and follow-up with them with valuable information about your business. The way this is done is by creating a lead capture page which collects information such as a person's name and email and address, once you have their information you'll be able to follow-up with them, and invite them to various webinars, opportunity calls, and events or just to add more value by asking how can you be of service.
Step 2.
Use Social Media websites. Using this method will help you generate targeted quality leads for your business from social media sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. The goal is to build relationships with people who share the same interest as you and not to became a "me too" marketer by pitching your business straight out the gate. You can join groups who share the same interest in the same industry. You want to offer value on these social sites by answering questions, reciprocating likes, shares and comments, and offering free information to encourage others to know, like and trust you.
Step 3.
You want to give away a free report, or free video training to any one who visits your lead capture page as an incentive for the exchange of their name and email address. Make sure that the free information is relevant, valuable and has quality. These are the best and most effective lead generation methods. You have to keep in mind that most people visiting your site will not leave any personal information if they don't see any value in your free offer. So you want to test and tweak by experimenting on different offers and see which offer works best. Now, if you don't have a free offer or don't know how to create one, find a product that already has one done for you and leverage it.