Green Solutions for Your Waste Water Treatment

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    Oct 07, 2013
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With increasing population and growing competition over water resources, water security has become one of the most fundamental issues and it is going to be accentuated even further as we progress through the century. With green solutions gaining prominence and reduced quantum of resources consumed attracting tax cuts; a huge impetus is given to water conservation, recycling, and reprocessing industry.

Waste Water Treatment: Generally the sole objective of an advanced waste water treatment is to ensure that the waste water and other industrial effluents are released into the environment whereby they ensure minimum or no harm. This is why waste water is subject to a lot of treatment processes each with the sole purpose of ensuring that the harmful chemicals and compounds are either separated or converted through chemical and biological processes into something less harmful. There are a lot of houses these days that have a full-fledged waste water tank. While installing a waste water tank, we recommend you to follow these tips

- Ensure that the waste water tank is easily accessible and that there no obstructions in the way of the waste water treatment truck.
- Ensure that the bottom of the advanced waste water treatment tank is properly sealed with butyl sealant as recommended by the manufacturer

Residential septic system: Residential septic system is a cheap system of discharging the waste products in our house. Generally septic tanks consist of two sections, in one section heavy solids settle down; while in the other section the harmful effluents are broken down so that they are safe enough to be released into the atmosphere. It is important to note that the released water is unfit for consumption, but however it is cheap and economical to install. These are the following precautions to follow when installing one:

- Ensure that the residential septic system is not too close to the roadways, as the vibrations may cause the weakening of the walls of the septic tank
- Check out the rules with the local municipal corporation to determine who has the right of way and other issues like property etc.
- After some years invariably there is an accumulation of scum at the bottom of the tank, to remove it you will have to call in the vacuum truck

Sewage Treatment: The basic difference between a sewage treatment plant and residential septic system is that the sewage treatment plant is much more advanced and water undergoes a more stringent test to ensure that it is clean. It however comes with first time cost that deters many from installing it

- It consumes electricity
- Reduced costs as water consumption reduces
- Lesser impact of house on environment
- Lesser strain on public resources like dams, reservoirs due to recycling of water

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If you are looking for the next level and advance wastewater treatment services, with no compromise on quality, then visit right here.

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