How Important Is Wastewater Treatment

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    Apr 01, 2014
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Waste Water Treatment Plant
Waste Water Treatment Plant
Photo by Klearchos Kapoutsis

Waste water generally refers to any type of water that runs off from rain or snow and flows down the toilet or sinks to finally enter the drainage systems. Advance wastewater systems are now common in urban lives that processes waste water to make it suitable for reuse.

Household waste water is generally processed in residential septic systems. Such systems treats waste water within the property it is generated from and it is also the most cost effective way of residential waste water treatment. The huge amounts of industrial waste water however needs to be treated with advanced waste water treatment process such as activated sludge process and advanced oxidation process.

Whether industrial or residential, waste water treatment is an important process from many perspectives. Few major ones are:

To Obtain Clean Water

Although water is a renewable resource that gets purified naturally through the process of evaporation and rain but the natural resources of drinking or usable water are limited. Only 3 percent of the total water on Earth is potable. The increased need of clean water is far more than what nature would be able to accomplish in near future.

The waste water treatment processes filter and clean the water of all impurities making it fit for reuse and thus maintaining the natural balance.

Protection from Diseases

Waste water contains many types of disease causing organisms or pathogens in high concentration. Sewages may also contain harmful nitrogen, phosphorus and toxic chemicals in addition to these pathogens. Advance waste water and sewage treatment processes remove all the potential contaminants and kill harmful organisms.

This protects underground water sources from further contamination and plant/ human life to catch diseases.

To Aid Research and Improvement

Waste water treatments and processes are continuously developing with newer techniques and effective research. All this research leads to improved ways of water purification and enhanced speed of waste water treatment. The new research is also advancing in the field of making good use of products removed from the water as waste.

The new development saves time, money, energy and other resources, which are then utilized for other important needs and development.

Above were the most primary benefits of using effective waste water treatment processes. There also are numerous long run advantages of waste water treatment; such as, creating more job opportunities at the water treatment facilities, supporting the economy and return of clean water to rivers and streams to maintain or encourage natural vicinities.

Author's Profile

The author of this article is very much conscious on waste water treatment and explains about the necessity of clean water, and how it protects you from diseases. The author also stresses on the improvement of waste water treatment systems.

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