Simple DIY carpet cleaning project

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    Jul 23, 2013
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Simple DIY carpet cleaning project Photo by Evelin Michaels

At some point, professional carpet cleaning is a recommended service. Experts usually say that you should avoid doing cleaning experiments at home. Accidents such as shrinking, tears or making a stain deeper and impossible to be removed are probable. Though, these experts might be working for the commercial cleaning companies or manufacturers of professional cleaning products. The truth is that professional cleaning services are good! Carpet cleaning with heavy cleaning equipment and modern cleaning solutions are definitely good investments for your living area! Though, there is no such proof that you can’t perform carpet cleaning at home by your own!

On the contrary, there are several tricky cleaning strategies for getting rid of carpet stains and for refreshment of old rugs! Check out the following easy DIY carpet cleaning methods and start cleaning on your own! 

1) First, motivate yourself! Say “I can do it! I am not worse than an ordinary maid” and get started – maybe your favorite music can do the motivating job really well!

2) Then, get equipped! It could be very helpful, if you rent some contemporary carpet cleaning supplies and tools – steam machine, professional vacuum-cleaner or a special gadget that works with hot water extraction method! Though, if you can’t find such modern cleaning equipment, don’t rush into panic! An ordinary vacuum-cleaner, a hair fan for drying and some natural product can do the job, too!

3) Prepare your carpet for deep cleaning! Our DIY project offers you to be tricky, but thrifty! There is actually no need of some special cleaning powder or expensive cleansers for perfect carpet cleaning! Sprinkle baking soda or salt all over the carpet! Wait for an hour and prepare your next homemade recipes during this time!

4) If your carpet has stains, the DIY project may be alternative! If the stain is organic, use ordinary white vinegar and cold water! Apply, and then steam by ironing! Repeat the procedure! Though, other stains (ink, dye, chemical and etc.) shouldn’t be treated with white vinegar! Use borax as a replacement!

5) When the stain is out and the ammonia is soaked by the carpet, proceed with the DIY project with Hoovering! Do it once and let the fibers to “relax”. The big pressure and the high temperature have made the carpet too delicate. Wait half an hour and then deodorize the carpet!

6) If you still see a wet spot on the carpet, take measures and dry!

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Book professional carpet cleaning services in Sutton and enjoy your clean and soft carpets.

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