What Is a Dental Technician?

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    Aug 10, 2014
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What Is a Dental Technician? Photo by Colin Armstrong

So,you are looking to become a dental technician in Glasgow.

Whether you are looking for a new form of employment, or whether you are just curious about this crucial role in the laboratory, we are going to show you what it is like to be a dental technician and what these professionals do in the lab. Read on to find out more.

The Basic Gist

A dental technician does not always work directly with the patient. They are more than the people who look at your mouth, whilst chanting various letter and number combinations for each tooth. They are the people directly responsible for carrying out your treatment.

Typically, a technician will receive your x-rays and the verdict from your dentist. They will take up the role of building and designing dental devices for patients. In most cases, they are called in to deal with patients who have lost teeth, but they can sometimes be involved with people who simply need to improve their oral appearance and performance.

The Main Areas of Work

There are a number of areas in which a technician can work. Sometimes, they might specialise, but they will always be proficient in all three primary areas. It depends where they work and where their strengths lie.

1. Orthodontics. In this case, they will be creating plastic and metal dental devices designed to realign your teeth. You might find them working in a lab on denture repairs in Glasgow specifically.
2. Crown and bridge work. These dental devices involve cementing pieces of plastic and metal down. It may seem similar to orthodontics, but it is actually a field with radical differences.
3. Prosthetics. These dental devices include cosmetic dentures in Glasgow. These devices are typically limited to dental implants and dentures. Some of them have titanium inserts to provide stability.

Where do they Work?

Most technicians in Glasgow will not always serve just the city. Like with any other expert around the country, they are nearly always based in a central lab that services a whole area. They will work with a range of surgeries and provide specialised implants ready for dental operations.

There are some cases where a technician will have to be in the lab, or in a hospital. This happens when a patient has sustained serious facial damage. A direct meeting with the patient and the dentist involved will enable them to create a specialised treatment device just for them.

The majority of technicians work in the private commercial sector. Only in rare cases will the NHS retain them on the public payroll.

An Eye for Detail

The number one skill any technician can have is an eye for detail. Typically, dental technicians will have to create devices without ever meeting the patient. They will have to use x-rays and the testimony of the dentist in order to make something that is made to measure.

Overall, dental technicians operate in a highly technical role. Conventional surgery-based dentists can and do transition into this career, but it requires years of intensive training to become qualified to begin making devices directly for patients.

Author's Profile

Darren Kelsey is an expert dental technician in Glasgow. He offers bespoke cosmetic dentures in Glasgow to enable patients to regain that perfect smile!

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