The Best Ways to Cook Your Chicken

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    Nov 21, 2012
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Chicken is a lean meat that is not too fatty. No wonder there are many people who enjoy different kinds of chicken dishes without worrying much about calories. In planning to cook chicken dishes, you should know the best ways to cook chicken to ensure that your loved ones will enjoy your dish. With various online resources, you can easily find recipes that would suit your taste and your budget.

Basically, there are two different methods in preparing chicken: the dry heat method and the moist heat method. With the first method, chickens are baked, deep fried, baked, and or grilled. The moist heat method would use microwave, baking in parchment, and or steaming of chicken.

The Dry Heat Method
The simplest way to cook your chicken is through this method. For example, fried chicken is relatively easier to cook compared to other chicken dishes. Almost all people like eating fried chicken. With the right spices marinated with the chicken along with a delicious sauce, you can already create a perfect friend chicken dish. Not only that, even your kids would surely love your chicken dish. It is very easy and the ingredients are not that expensive too.

Aside from deep frying, you can also grill or you can roast your chicken. When you have the tools to grill or to roast your chicken then it is highly preferable. Unlike with fried chicken, grilles or roasted chicken is definitely much more delicious.

If you want to be more creative, you can bake your chicken using the different baked chicken recipes that you can easily access online.

The Moist Heat Method
With the moist heat method, you get the chance to be more creative with your chicken dish recipe. Unlike with the dry heat method, you can saute your chicken along with different ingredients and you will be able to come up with a nice chicken recipe.

There are lots of chicken dishes that make use of this method. For example if you like curry, you can create your own chicken curry dish. By mixing curry powder, chicken and the all the other ingredients, you can already create a sumptuous chicken curry dish. Using this method is preferred by most people since you have the chance to taste different kinds of chicken dishes instead of going with the usual deep fried or grilled chicken.

Dry Heat and Moist Heat
To make your chicken dish perfect, it is possible to make use of these two cooking methods. The Internet is a perfect source of a wide variety of nice chicken recipes. With these recipes, you can just follow the instructions and prepare the necessary ingredients. Now, you are ready to prepare a chicken dish that your loved ones will enjoy.

Author's Profile

This article is written by James aka Triggerman. He is a freelance writer who contributes for Franchise Business Opportunity.

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