Become a Food Service Worker in 15 Weeks

  • Added:
    Aug 22, 2013
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Become a Food Service Worker in 15 Weeks Photo by Jason White

Fifteen weeks of study within Centennial College’s Food Service Worker program is all it takes to gain the skills you need to launch your career. That’s because, as the undertaking’s coordinator Karen Barnes explains, the Food Service Worker program consists of distinct phases that are all equally essential to ensuring preparation for the field. “The [offering] has five components,” explains Karen. “The first component is role of a food service worker. Another component is workplace communication. A third component of the Food Service Degree program has a safety and sanitation course, which [will teach students] to prepare foods in a safe environment. The fourth component would be nutrition in healthcare. This is where the student learns regular proper nutrition as well as therapeutic nutrition for patients and long-term care residents. The fifth component is a practical component and it is in the kitchen. You will learn how to use the kitchen equipment as well as implement large quantity recipes.”

Applicants are required to have completed at least an Ontario Secondary School Diploma or equivalent or be 19 years of age or older.

Once accepted, students will not only cover the areas mentioned by Karen but will also have the opportunity to enhance their education through a work experience field placement in a health care facility. During this time, Food Service Worker program students not only apply what they have learned but also network with potential employers, which gives them an edge over their competition. In order to partake in this real-world experience, students must have a mandatory two-step mantoux test (TB skin test) within 12 months of starting the program, (even if they have had BCG), as well as influenza immunization and a vulnerable persons’ police check.

It is worth noting that the Food Service Worker program was developed to meet the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Standards and Criteria, with input from professional organizations and healthcare employers. Additionally, the certificate earned by students is a requirement to work as a dietary aide in long-term care. Lastly, graduates of the Food Service Worker program obtain the Train Can Basics Food Safety Certificate, which is accepted by Toronto Public Health as an equivalent to their Food Handlers Certificate.

Once they complete the Food Service Worker program, students may pursue positions in long-term care, retirement homes, and acute care or with food service contractors. However, should students be interested in pursuing further education, they may do so through Centennial College’s two-year Food and Nutrition Management program to which they can transfer.

Author's Profile

In this article, Jason writes bout the Food Service Worker in Canada program and includes a first-hand overview from the program’s coordinator.

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