How To Overcome Stage Fright

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    Jan 14, 2013
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Just like anyone else I too had stage fright until one fine day when I listened to a piece of advice from my teacher. I still remember the day, there was a cultural program in my school and I was supposed to speak on a social issue. Just like any other lad of 12 years, I too was very scared. Several questions popped up in my head, how would I perform? What if I fumble? What if I get choked? What if it doesn’t go well? All these questions were pulling down the little confidence I had in myself. I was so tense backstage when a teacher of mine saw me. He gave me a piece of advice, which I could never forget. He said that, “Just don’t think how it would go. Flush out all the thoughts. Be confident and think that the audience is not as intelligent as you are. They would see and hear only what you show them and what you speak to them”. I did exactly as he said and let me tell you that I won that extempore speaking competition.

Ever since then, I have never faced stage freight again, never ever in my life. Through this piece of article I would give you some more mantras to overcome stage fright.

Be confident: Although one should be well aware of the thin line between confidence and over confidence yet I would say that over confidence is better than under confidence.

Take a deep breath: Take a deep breath and drink a glass of water just before you step onto the stage to calm down your nerves. This would help you in controlling your shivering feet out of nervousness. The deep breath would flush out your worries and nervousness while exhaling. And the glass of water would keep all the arising question marks in your head at bay.   

Look into the eyes of your audience: To appear confident, look into your audience’s eyes but not for a long time. Eye contact is very crucial for stage performances but never let the eye contact distract you. Indulge everyone in your performance. If you are speaking on a topic, ask questions to your audience. If you are singing or dancing, then ask them to applaud. This would boost your confidence instantly to Language Courses.

Read online advice: Before going for a stage performance, browse over the internet to seek some valuable advice. You may get onto an article like this one which might be swipe your worries away. Read as to how you can perform better. See some videos for a better understanding.

Have a good command over the language: Having a good command over the language indirectly gives you confidence. If you are not very fluent in the language, then you must learn language. It is actually an essential prerequisite for standing over the stage.

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Just like anyone else I too had stage fright until one fine day when I listened to a piece of advice from my teacher. I still remember the day, there was a cultural program in my school and I was supposed to speak on a social issue.

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