Guidance For Writing Assignments

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    Feb 07, 2013
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Education Minister John O
Education Minister John O'Dowd meets La Salle secondary school pupils in Stromont today
Photo by Sinn Féin

Students often find themselves in a very challenging situation when they are given an assignment to complete. The difference between a sharp students and laggards is that while laggards stay clueless, sharp ones start thinking over it. This leads to the difference between well done assignments and not so good assignments. Although there are no set of guidelines which should b followed in order to complete an assignment yet this article is to help out the students to work in a well planned manner in order to complete assignments in an efficient way.

Assignment briefing: The most common mistake students make is to not to take the briefing very seriously. Often students tend to become very casual while the mentor tells them about how to go for it. This happens not only with students pursuing Further Education Courses but also with students who pursue further studies. Each word that a mentor utters is of due importance and must be heard very carefully. Those who pay due attention at the time of briefing can sail through the assignments relatively in a better way than their peers.

Going through the lessons- Many students straight away proceed with the assignment, as soon as it is assigned. Although it is a sign of sincere student, yet it is not a very smart move too. One must not hustle up in order to complete the assignments. Students should rather go through the lessons, mentor’s notes and other study materials before starting off with their assignments. This way they will be able to complete the assignment in an efficient and easier way. Planning out the assignment- Once the student has gone through the all the study materials in hand, he must then plan out a layout as to how to go about the assignment.

Planning an assignment is very important. It directs a student to go in a well defined path to complete the assignment effectively. Further Education Training is a must for this. One must search for details regarding the assignment over the internet. There are several tips over the internet which may direct you well as to how to plan a layout for assignments.

Discuss with your peers- Once you have planned out as to how you would go about the assignment, discuss the same with your peer group and seek their advice. Ask them how exactly are they planning to go about it? Do brainstorming. Your ideas might be having some loopholes which you may not identify but your peer group might. So it becomes very important to analyze your layout from different mindsets.

Execution stage- Once the planning stage is over, start off with your assignment as soon as possible. After following the above three guidelines you would see that the assignment becomes pretty easy to complete. Just because now it seems so easy, one must not develop a late back attitude. Instead one must try to finish it well before the submission date. Completing the assignment few days prior to the submission date would buy you some time to seek reviews and feedbacks from your peers. Go through the entire assignment over and over again to remove the slightest of glitch and make it error free.

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Students often find themselves in a very challenging situation when they are given an assignment to complete. The difference between a sharp students and laggards is that while laggards stay clueless, sharp ones start thinking over it. This leads to the difference between well done assignments and not so good assignments. Although there are no set of guidelines which should b followed in order to complete an assignment yet this article is to help out the students to work in a well plann

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