What Should Every Girl Have in Her Wardrobe?

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    Jul 30, 2014
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What Should Every Girl Have in Her Wardrobe? Photo by Colin Armstrong

There are so many different items of clothing that you can buy from stores these days. From playsuits to jackets, things go in and out of fashion all the time. This is why it is difficult to give someone an idea of what sheneeds to have in her wardrobes.

Despite all the creations appearing out of the fashion industry, some garments remain essential. Some things never go out of fashion, or go out of fashion at a crawl. This is why we have compiled a guide for some of the evergreen numbers you should have in your wardrobe.

Black Trousers
A simple pair of black trousers can be useful in both a casual and a formal scenario. Obviously, a formal event will warrant a pair of these, but they also work with casual coloured shirts, as well. Make sure you purchase some that use a durable fabric.

Black Tank Top
Like the trousers, a tank top can always work. You cannot necessarily wear it for a formal business meeting, but if it is chilly then you can wear it underneath your dress shirt. One option is to throw a blazer over it or go semi-formal with a pair of black trousers alongside it.

Turtleneck jumpers are an essential part of your winter wardrobe. Unless you live in a place where it is hot throughout the whole year, these will help you to stay warm in the winter. Feel free to wear whatever colour you like.

Some women prefer to use these for layering, but they can also be worn alone.

White Blouse
A white blouse can work with practically anything. It is a neutral colour and can fit in with any outfit. It does not just have to be used as a standalone top. It can also be used as an easy way to provide layering during the colder months.

Little Black Dress
The little black dress has been a staple of women’s fashion for almost a century. It works on anyone, whether you are fat, thin, busty, or flat. You can pick up lots of cheap dresses online. Contrary to the clichés, you do not always have to purchase a dress that costs you hundreds of pounds.

Jeans are a staple of fashion in general. It is one of the view garments that will never go out of fashion. These are perfect for both the summer and the winter. Again, you can wear them no matter how your body looks. It is not like a bodycon dresses where only certain body shapes will work with it.

Trench Coat
A trench coat is the one coat you absolutely have to have in your wardrobe. It is always stylish and it does not change radically from season to season. It is the perfect coat for one of the transition seasons. It is both lightweight and waterproof. Feel free to get any colour you wish.

Overall, simple colours like black, white, and brown are the order of the day for your clothing essentials. It gives them ultimate flexibility by allowing them to blend into any other outfits you come up with.

Author's Profile

IKrush sells quality clothing for women who need to stock up on all the essentials. Customers can purchase quality playsuits in durable fabrics and cheap dresses without any hassle.

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