Tips on Creating the Best Offer for Your Auto Repair Shop Mailers

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    Feb 13, 2014
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business card
business card
Photo by Sean MacEntee

It can be pretty tough to get your name out there in front of the world for an auto repair shop these days. There are a lot of other repair shops to compete with, and the marketing landscape seems to undergo seismic shifts on a routine basis. Direct mail can help your shop stand out against your competitors.

Direct mail has proven to be the single most effective way to maximize your marketing dollars, it’s the one thing you absolutely want to add to the marketing mix. Here are a few tips that can make your auto repair mailer offer more effective.

Benefits Mean Everything: People want to know how your shop can benefit them, not just the specialized services you happen to offer. It may be a different way of looking at your marketing message , but selling those benefits is a great way to get people through the door. For example, if your shop offers courtesy shuttle service, highlight the offer. Convenience could be the differentiator in customers choosing your shop over the next.

Design a Stronger Call to Action: You want your direct mail advertising to spur your potential customers to do something, right? Whether you want them to pick up the phone, make an appointment, or buy an extended warranty, be specific and state it boldly. Ensure it stands out with big text or a bold color. The creative visual and messaging of the postcard mailer should tie into the call to action. Whichever call to action you choose, verify and re-verify that the prospect can easily make the action (i.e. make sure incoming calls are answered promptly, make sure your website is working properly, check your emails often to ensure a timely response, etc.). Be prepared for the response. The last thing you want to do is have a customer call only to hear ring after ring or get a voicemail.

Establish Goals: Understand the objective of your direct mail campaign. Set goals and establish key performance metrics before launching your marketing campaign. Advertising without clear objectives and goals in mind doesn’t give you the advantage of knowing if your marketing dollars are well spent. Write your goals down and ensure you partner with a direct mail vendor that incorporates tracking mechanisms so you can determine your return on investment and measure the response rates on each campaign. Direct mail is an easy marketing tactic to measure, you can gain powerful insights and analytics to improve your marketing and service delivery.

You want the best possible ROI on your next auto repair mailer, right? For better everything, from lists to design, contact Mudlick Mail today. We are the preferred auto repair direct marketing company. Our specialized auto repair marketing experts have helped hundreds of auto repair shops turn their marketing dollars into revenue. Contact Mudlick Mail to learn more.

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Article Source: Mudlick Mail

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