Even if you normally have a pretty decent response rate on your direct mail, you are most likely looking to improve your response rate to your next direct mail campaign.
Has the revenue in your dental practice hit a plateau or not growing the way you hope it would? If so, check out these tips to help you maximize your marketing dollars spent and increase patient count
It can be pretty tough to get your name out there in front of the world for an auto repair shop these days. There are a lot of other repair shops to compete with, and the marketing landscape seems to
Direct mail has proven time and time again to be a results oriented marketing solution that tens of thousands of businesses use to reach their customers and prospects each and every year.
Many businesses these days are taking a step back and evaluating the most effective marketing methods that will meet their needs.
Advertising, in all of its forms, print, television, online, direct mail and others surround us in our everyday life; from deciding which grocery store to go to or which auto repair shop is best for y
Do you remember the day when email became the newest and greatest thing out there. It was so cool and amazing, this instantaneous mail thing.
Most of the direct mail marketing resources you read will mention the tried and true 40/40/20 rule. The idea with the 40/40/20 rule is that your success in direct mail advertising depends on three thi
Are your normal marketing tactics getting a little stale? Are you looking to add a different kind of marketing into the mix? Many businesses these days are focusing solely on online marketing, and bec
Businesses are looking for effective marketing methods available now more than ever before. Customers are being more frugal and businesses need to be smart and effective with their efforts.