60-Day Gene-Typing Weight Management Systemby OneBode

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    Jan 02, 2013
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There are several different times throughout the year when a high percentage of the population commit to weight loss. These times are at the start of the New Year, in the weeks following a month plus of holiday overindulgence from Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas and New Year’s celebrations; and just before summer, when stepping into a swimsuit becomes imminent.

Inevitably, the health and fitness world responds to these high demand times with special offers, discounted prices, and books about the latest diet breakthrough. However, these one-off methods of weight loss are not very effective: adherents to a specific diet realize a success rate of less than ten percent, and typically one-fifth of gym members are inactive. We all know that diet and exercise are major components in weight loss, however there is more to the weight loss equation.

At OneBode Health and Performance Center, we look atweigh loss in a whole new light with our GENE-TYPING Weight Management System. This integrative program enables you to reprogram your gene responses to lose weight, reduce inflammation, repair cells, avoid illness, and age well. Through this eating plan combined with exercise, nutritional supplements, and lifestyle changes, you can turn on positive genes and silence negative ones.

The GENE-TYPING program is based on the premise that body fat and weight gain are caused by excess consumption of toxic foods for your genetic type, resulting in incomplete digestion, causing the body to store the calories you eat as fat rather than to use your food as energy. The program is offered in an eight-session format – one session weekly for eight weeks.

Consider these facts:

• 80% of the population has food allergies and intolerances to the degree that their health and weight are affected.

• Up to 50% of the population is allergic to wheat, dairy and/or corn, which have now become the primary offenders to our bodies.

• Food has gone from the very source of life to the leading cause of death, disease and excessive weight gain.

While some clients may want the individualized attention of a one-on-one with one of our trainers, small group and individual sessions are also available. To keep our clients committed and to keep morale high, a weekly accountability call between the client and the Personal Health Coach is another staple of our program. This 60-Day Program is designed to provide you with knowledge, skills, motivation, and support that will enable you to maintain optimal health and weight.

The OneBode Health & Performance Center offers the latest innovations in genetic based healthcare. This type of healthcare focuses on strategies for optimum health and performance. The OneBode Health & Performance Center facility researches and implementations state-of-the-art genetic-based nutrition programs to help you achieve your weight management, athletic performance and overall wellness goals tailored to your unique genetic makeup.

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Article Source: OneBode HPC

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