Why Would I Need To Pray For Healing More Than Once?

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    Jun 06, 2013
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Sometimes, when I am praying for healing I’ve found that I need to pray for healing more than once, maybe even three or four times before the healing happens. Why would that be?

"Why do I need to command the healing more than once? Why isn't once enough?"

This is a question I’ve been struggling with, so I decided to ask God and journal about it. I teach about healing at Christian colleges and seminaries and have seen many people healed. However, I’ve noticed that it’s not unusual that the first time I command healing not much happens. However, if I command the healing again immediately some amount of healing takes place. If I do it again…and again, then greater amounts of healing are manifest.

So, I asked God…

"Lord, why is repetition helpful when ministering healing and deliverance?"

Here’s what God said:

“Mark, even I needed to repeat the command when I was dealing with the Gadarene Demoniac. You are fighting an enemy. You are coming against an enemy. You are attacking and defeating. Does an army strike once, or do they strike over and over until the enemy is defeated? They continue to strike, weakening the enemies’ defenses until they are able to overthrow them.

That is what you are to do. Healing and deliverance does work, but remember it is a warfare you are involved in, and be willing to continuously strike the enemy until he is defeated. Never give up. Never accept compromise. Never accept sickness. Fight the good fight until the enemy is totally defeated. Then My glory can come and fill the space and My kingdom is enlarged. So toil on using the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, as that Name is a mighty battering ram. In that Name there is power and victory to defeat the enemy.

And My hand-to-hand combat tools include the sword of the Spirit, which is the rhema word of God. A precise word from Me will give a precise strategy for winning a particular battle. So seek this rhema word and then use it. As I direct your fight, you shall win.

Behold I have spoken. Behold it is to be done.”

Defeating the Enemy:

So, as you can see, healing is a spiritual battle. As in any battle, we strike at the enemy and continue to strike until the enemy is defeated. Sure, occasionally we may strike a knockout blow with the first punch, but most boxing matches go on several rounds. What’s important is that we know that in Christ, we already have the victory.

“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen.” – Ephesians 3:20-21

Praise be to God!

Author's Profile

Mark Virkler enjoys writing articles for InterestingArticles.com. View the Mark Virkler Author Profile

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