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    Sep 03, 2012
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Grief is a spirit that comes as a result of something lossed such a life, a job, a friend, a competition and even material wealth. The first thing this spirit does is work in the mind of a person making them see the loss as an unsurmountable mountain too hard to climb. Adults should be able be able to process past grief easier than children. Children may not be able to process the cycle of life due to immaturity. Thus, when an adult is hanging on to grief longer than normal, it may be an indication of a deeper void or insecurity within the adult. It can mean the person saw the loss as necessary in order to exist as a thriving individual in our world.

The spirit of grief has thus played more on a need for the something lossed than the hope of recovery or for a new beginning. The truth is that grief is a normal part of the acceptance of loss. There is a time frame in which one should get over most forms of loss. If after 2 or 3 years, you are still grieiving over a loss, you should seek counseling so that you are not robbed of your own destiny for success or a new path to love. Simply put, just like the occurrence that caused you grief opened your heart to feel the grief, there should also be something inside your heart grasping for the will to thrive and move past the halting grief.

Moving past the grief does not minimize the value or memory of the thing or person lost. Moving past the grief simply means acceptance that you lost something and acceptance that life has to go on for the greater good to come in your own life for a hopeful future.

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