Amazing Benefits of Collagen Protein
Collagen protein is a type of protein found throughout the body especially in the connective tissues. It is one of the most common types of protein in the human body. It comprises around 25 – 35% of all protein content in the body. Collagen protein offers plenty of benefits ranging from better metabolism to healthy skin, joint mobility & pain relief, muscle retention and weight management.
There are many types of collagen such as Type I collagen, Type II collagen and Type III collagen. They form various structures and perform different functions. Collagen proteins support various tissues and organs. As we get older, collagen production decreases, leading to loss of skin elasticity, weaker connective tissues, wrinkles, and reduced mobility. Usually, this process begins at the age of twenty and continues.
Nowadays, collagen proteins supplements are available in the form of cream, pills and injection to stimulate weight loss and maintain youthful appearance. Collagen supplements are commonly used for joint mobility & pain relief, athletic performance, improve skin elasticity and weight management. Recent studies have found that collagen supplements could not just replace missing collagen but trigger the production of collagen. However, it is advised to use collagen supplements only after getting approval from a medical doctor.
Here are some prominent benefits of collagen protein:
Weight loss:
Collagen is a structural protein that is extremely low in fat and also free of cholesterol and sugar. As it is low in calories and rich in protein, collagen proteins are often used as beneficial supplement for weight loss. According to a recent research, protein rich diets stimulate calorie burning than diets lower in proteins.
Improves skin health:
Collagen is a major structural protein in the skin that gives skin its youthful appearance. It makes up to 75% of the skin and plays an important role in preventing unwanted wrinkles and the appearance of aged skin. It improves the skin elasticity which keeps your skin fresh, smooth and healthy.
Joint mobility and pain relief:
It provides the body with essential amino acids that serve as building blocks and helps to strengthen and restore weakened connective tissues throughout the body. Hence, collagen protein supplements are often used by athletes to speed up recovery time and rebuild damaged joints.
Better metabolism:
Collagen protein plays a major role in increasing metabolism. As it helps the body to metabolize the fats, it is used for muscle development and weight loss.
These are some of the notable benefits of collagen protein.