Photoshop Tricks

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    Aug 28, 2012
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Photoshop is the single most powerful software when it comes to manipulating images. It is used most effectively and extensively in the design industry. In terms of photo editing, simple photoshop tricks can transform an amateurish photo to a more realistic and attractive one. Below are a few photoshop tricks that everybody can use to their advantage.

Layer auto select: Photoshop offers us the flexibility to choose the layer we are working on. Right clicking somewhere in the work area will reveal all the layers in the layer panel. Selecting one particular layer allows us to work on that element of the picture.

Photoshop has a shortcut way of selecting tool size. Holding down the SHIFT key and right clicking is the trick. Now, if we move the mouse to the right, the tool size increases. Moving to the left has the opposite effect. Similarly, hardness of the tool changes by moving the mouse in the top and bottom directions.

In a few steps we can transform an ordinary image to a magazine-quality picture. First step is to duplicate the picture's layer. Then we need to apply Gaussian blur. Now, we need to set the 'screen blending' to our liking by adjusting the opacity. It transforms the picture wonderfully.
Here is another awesome trick. Photoshop allows you to work on the same picture in two different windows. After selecting an open image, we should go to window>arrange> new window (we should choose the original file name listed). The same image will appear in a new second window. We can keep editing the image in one window, while comparing it with the original image in the other window side by side.

Photoshop also gives us flexibility with the 'undo' command. Instead of using the undo command, we can choose the 'history' panel and click on the steps performed to go back to where we started. Clicking them back will again bring us back to where we left.

These are a few simple tricks for amateurs to start using photoshop. There is a wealth of information on the internet. A good place to look for is New information gets added to forums of photoshop users and blogs of people who are experts in photo editing.

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