Search Engine Optimisation and Your Business: What You Need to Know

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    Oct 04, 2013
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Search Engine Optimisation and Your Business: What You Need to Know Photo by By Dale

As a business owner, there are a few things you absolutely need to know about search engine optimisation.
SEO puts you where the people are.
According to research by Imformza, 93 percent of Internet experiences start by using a search engine. If you want to put your products, services or business in front of your target audience, you need to implement SEO.
SEO can benefit all your online campaigns.
SEO isn’t just beneficial for your website, it also benefits your social media platforms, blogs, review sites and microsites. If you add keywords, backlinks and other SEO tactics to your online marketing efforts, it can help all your online tactics become visible.
Successful SEO requires hard work.
There are going to be companies out there that advertise giving you a high ranking in a few days, but this is false information. Good search engine optimisation tactics, also known as white hat SEO, require hard work and time to implement and see results. If a company is guaranteeing a high ranking in a short period of time, it’s likely they’re using poor tactics, known as black hat SEO, and these tactics are frowned upon by search engines.
SEO allows you to compete.
Chances are your competition is already implementing SEO, and if you’re not, you’re going to lose your current and potential customers to your competition. By using search engine optimisation, you’ll be able to better compete with other companies in your industry.
Emphasise organic keywords.
The use of keywords is important in your SEO efforts, but you need to make sure that the keywords you use are organic and flow naturally within your content. Using keywords improperly will be a red flag to search engines.
If you’re not sure what keywords to use, Google’s Keyword Tool can be a great help. This tool will provide you with a list of the most commonly used search queries for your industry. You can also use a tool like SpyFu to see what keywords your competitors are using.
Make your site accessible.
Search engines will send crawlers through your website’s content in search of keywords. Make sure your website developer designs your website so that it can be easily crawled by search engines in order to benefit your SEO tactics.

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SEO refers to the visibility your website receives on popular search engines like Google and Bing.  

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