The Requirements for a Successful Architect

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    Jan 04, 2013
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In many ways, an architect is much like a painter due to the fact that they are required to first of all have visualisation in their mind before they can put it into action. They are sometimes thought of as people who only design buildings, yet in reality they are often the brains behind some of the most creative and imaginative creations the world over.

In fact, architects have their rightful place in the history books if they are the people that designed some of the most recognisable landmarks in the world. When you think about the Leaning Tower of Pisa, the Eiffel Tower and of course Big Ben in London, each of these had an architect behind them and each of these iconic structures are known worldwide as unique.

You may think that becoming an architect sounds like a very exciting prospect and whilst it can be a very high paid position unless you hold the ability to be part designer, another part engineer, can be problem solver and have a very artistic frame of mind it can be a very difficult career choice. You would need to also have a very high degree of determination and passion to be a success.

You would also need to keep on top of all of the latest materials that you can make use of during any proposed build as well as any new construction methods. Good interpersonal skills are also a must as you will always be working alongside teams of other architects, engineers and workmen on each of your constructions.

What exactly do they do?

An architect will work very closely with the client in the planning stages of a construction, with the client making it clear what he would like. The architect would then go away and draw up some initial plans before meeting again with the client. The client would then approve the plans or request some changes, with this process going on until the client is fully happy with the designs. The designs would have to take into account the budget set for the construction as well as aiding the client with any planning permissions.

Once the construction is underway, the architect would be required to make very frequent trips to the site to ensure that the workers are completing the project exactly according to the plans.

A junior architect will initially work alongside other more established architects before being able to take on projects for themselves. Once an architect gets a few buildings under their name, the jobs will roll in a lot quicker. In many cases the mere mention of one previously successful building will be enough to get an architect a new contract elsewhere.

These days for local and residential projects such as architects projects in Lincoln, you can also employ the services of architectural consultants who will be more likely to specialise in home builds and self build projects with expertise in planning regulations and other services.

Author's Profile

Jon Mathews is a frequent contributor for Building by Design and has written many articles pertaining to all things regarding architects, building by design, and planning, especially on such subjects as providing architectural design & consultants services for the residential market.

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