Things To Keep In Mind During Adult Online Shopping

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    Aug 12, 2014
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Things To Keep In Mind During Adult Online Shopping Photo by Melroy Pinto

Online shopping today is a multi-billion dollar industry. Adult online shopping is a vital part of that business, which has allowed even conservative societies like India to explore their collective sexuality and made quality online sex toys available to the discerning customer. There are, however, a few things that need to be kept in mind during adult shopping online, like credit card security, the categorization of products, and discreet delivery and packaging etc. in order to make an informed choice about your purchase.

Adult online shopping is a relatively new trend in India and it has already started to make waves. The sheer number of products, categories and range can sometimes be intimidating to a customer. It would be wise to bear in mind that until a short time ago, many of the products available online at Indian adult stores were never even heard of.

This poses Indian buyers with several problems. First of all, it is a problem of getting acquainted with the product, then comes the worry of having to pay for the said product online, if that weren’t enough, there is always the sheer confusion about the type and make of a product that he/she should buy. And most importantly of course it is the question of confidentiality of one’s purchase, given the rather traditional mores of the Indian society.

With this in mind, let us take a look at the things that people should remember when shopping at an Indian adult store online:

1) Products/Categories and Range

One of the first things that a person needs to look for during adult online shopping is the range of products and categories that an Indian adult store has to offer. Products and categories reflect the range and variety of the Indian adult store’s merchandise. An important indicator of the online store’s reach is the number of reputed brands they stock. Remember that most sex and personal care products are intimate usage based and must be certified for the same. Having an inventory of products from well-known brands will enable you to shop with some amount of surety of the quality of the products.

2) Quality of content

Most sexual wellness products are new to the Indian customer and therefore the content explaining the use and type of product becomes extremely important. Always take the time to read the instructions or descriptions of the product that you seek to buy. Most adult online shopping sites will have comprehensive content, explaining the functionality, means of use and other important facets of the product in a simple manner.

3) Discreet Packaging and delivery

India is a society where sex is still viewed as a taboo subject of sorts. In a market like this then, discretion on the part of the adult online store that you are purchasing a personal care product or sex toys from, becomes very important. Most Indian adult stores offer discreet packaging and delivery, this means that the item you’ve purchased is delivered to you in a box that is completely devoid of any branding. Secondly, with options like Customer Self pick-up, where the customers themselves can pick up their purchase from the delivery center, customer privacy and confidentiality should be maintained.

4) Payment Options

Just like the conventional online shopping, your payment options in adult online shopping should also be convenient to you. Not just convenient but safe as well, most online shopping portals do have well encrypted payment gateways and are protected by online partners like Verisign and others. Always look for these relevant logos on the website of an Indian adult store, before planning your next purchase.

Now that you have a list of things that you need to remember while adult online shopping, you can explore the world’s most renowned sexual wellness products with absolute peace of mind.

Author's Profile

Melroy Pinto is a marketing consultant, creative writer and blogger, who explores trends in the retail and e-commerce space. He specializes in creating content geared towards adult online shopping and educates readers about the things to bear in mind while shopping from Indian adult stores.

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