Pro's and Con's of Centrifugal Juicers

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    Sep 05, 2012
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Centrifugal juicers are by far the most common and affordable types of juicers. They are typically what you will see at most department stores with brands such as Jack Lelanne and Breville being two of the most common. Not all juicers are of the same quality though and one thing you can check is the length of their warranty. A good juicer will have a multi-year warranty whereas some of the cheap ones will have 6 months. You will want to avoid those with short warranties, as they say you get what you pay for.

Centrifugal juicers are excellent at extracting juices from most fruits and vegetables but aren't overly effective with items such as wheat grass, spinach and other leafy vegetables. For those you will want to have a masticating juicer. For just about everything else these are great juicers.

One feature that these juicers have that many other types don't is large feeding chutes, some such as those found on Breville models can take small apples and oranges whole without having to cut them up which saves both time and messy clean up.

Centrifugal juicers work by fir grating the fruit or vegetables up into pulp with a plate covered with tiny teeth that basically shred up whatever they come in contact with. When choosing a juicer make sure that this is made of stainless steel. Once grated the fruit or vegetable is spun at very high speed up against a screen that allows the juice to go through but stops all but the smallest pieces through.

With that high speed comes one item that is a definite disadvantage of a centrifugal juicer, foam. Because it goes at such a high speed air is injected into the juice creating a foam. This isn't present with low speed juicers. Usually after juicing it's good to mix everything with a spoon then take off the excess foam before drinking. You can also pour it through a strainer to help remove excess foam.

Another disadvantage for these types of juicers is that there is little or no shelf life to the juices made using them. This is because the juice has a lot of excess air dissolved into the juice which causes the juice to oxidize quickly which leads to spoilage. If you wish to store your juices then you will want to go with a slow speed masticating juicer which doesn't oxidize the juice. Drinks made this way are best served right after it's made.

Overall centrifugal type juicers are popular because that's what most people think of when they think of a juicer thanks to the popularity of Jack LeLanne's Pro Juicer and the commercials that are on TV regularly. Price is also a consideration but if you are serious about juicing you should consider more high end models that will run you between $180 and $300. These are well built models that will last a long time with proper care and maintenance.

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This article is written by the blogger that runs Here you can find information and reviews on juicing and a variety of blenders including recipes.

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