Minerals for Prostate Health

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    Apr 22, 2013
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Minerals for Prostate Health Photo by Jeffrey Eadie

A majority of men over 50 suffer from some kind of prostate health condition, the most common among them being a growing prostate. It affects nearly 1 in 3 men over the age of 60. An expanding prostate can interfere with sexual and urinary functions mainly because it presses against the bladder and urethra as it expands. This can be painful and embarrassing for most men. Doctors suggest that certain minerals and vitamins can play an important role in improving and nurturing prostate gland. Take a look.
Minerals for Prostate Health

  • Zinc: This is the most important mineral your prostate needs. Low levels of zinc are a major reason for an expanding prostate. Incidentally, the highest concentration of zinc in the body is found in prostate gland. Zinc inhibits the activity of enzymes which are responsible for the conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone, a hormone that plays a major role in prostate growth. Dietary sources of zinc include oysters, beef liver, baked beans, and watermelon seeds. Super Beta Prostate testimonials indicate zinc is a one of the primary ingredients in the product that’s specially formulated to foster prostate health.
  • Copper: This mineral also plays a crucial role in prostate health and the third most abundant mineral in body tissues. You need to maintain harmony between copper and zinc, as excess zinc can deplete copper levels which can be harmful for the body. Raisins, legumes, chocolate, and shellfish are rich in copper. If you use supplements, make sure it maintains a proper balance between zinc and copper intake. A Super Beta Prostate Supplement reviews suggests that this product contains these essential minerals in the perfect ratio for overall prostate health.
  • Selenium: Another prostate-friendly supplement, selenium works as an antioxidant and protects the prostate from cell damage. It’s found in Brazil nuts, pecans, and fortified eggs. It helps fight prostate inflammation and reduce urinary troubles.
  • Molybdenum: Inadequate levels of this trace element are linked to poor physical function and impotence in men. Food sources of selenium include sunflower seeds, tinned vegetables, beans, oats, and wheat germ.
  • Manganese: This mineral also essays a vital role in promoting prostate health. Manganese deficiency can result in low sperm count, poor libido, and infertility. It’s found in green leafy vegetables, raw nuts, and eggs.
  • Chromium: It assists in the metabolism of glucose. Men with very high sugar levels are prone to prostate disorders. Maintain chromium levels in the body by eating mushroom and vegetables grown in chromium-rich soil, or use supplementation.


Most of these minerals can be found in food sources. But with most of us not paying attention to what we eat thanks to hectic lifestyles, our body gets deprived of most of these essential minerals. If your diet isn’t well-balanced, make sure you use supplements such as Super Beta Prostate that provide your body with all these powerful minerals for a happy and healthy prostate.

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Super Beta Prostate testimonials indicate zinc is a one of the primary ingredients in the product that’s specially formulated to foster prostate health.A Super Beta Prostate Supplement reviews suggests that this product contains these essential minerals in the perfect ratio for overall prostate health.

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