Dietary Modifications for an Enlarged Prostate

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    Jan 22, 2013
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An enlarged prostate is a common condition for men as they get older. Science hasn’t yet reasoned out the exact cause for prostate enlargement, though age and genetics play an important role. When the prostate expands, it exerts pressure on the bladder and urethra, making urination very difficult. Making a few dietary adjustments can ease some of the painful symptoms brought on by prostate enlargement. Foods rich in zinc, fiber, antioxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids must be a part of your diet if you want to keep your prostate healthy.

Dietary Modifications for an Enlarged Prostate

The Do’s

1.       Eat at least five servings of fresh fruits and vegetables every day. Sounds trite, but most of us don’t consume enough of fruits and veggies and lose out on fiber, essential vitamins and antioxidants. Make friends with tomatoes, guavas, pink grapefruit, green leafy vegetables, cabbage, broccoli, kale, garlic, and onions, to name a few and you'll have fewer prostate problems!

2.       Soy is touted as one of the most prostate-friendly foods. It contains phytosterols that promotes a healthy prostate. Perhaps that's the reason men in China, Japan, and other report fewer prostate health concerns than their counterparts in western civilizations.

3.       Zinc is a trace element and practically indispensable to male reproductive health. Oysters, carb, baked beans, and pecans are excellent sources of zinc.

4.       Look for foods that contain the good fats. Omega-3 fatty acids and monounsaturated fats are the smart fats required by the body, and dietary sources include cold water fish such as salmon, trout, and herring, avocados, olive and peanut oil, walnuts, almonds, and Brazil nuts.

5.Super Beta Prostate is a supplement that has proven to be beneficial for prostate sufferers time and again. If you’re wary of products that are hyped up with exaggerated claims, you can be sure there’s no Super Beta Prostate scam. Its main ingredient is Beta Sitosterol, a plant ester that binds to the prostate gland and stops further swelling. Men wishing to alleviate their bothersome urinary problems and promote a healthy prostate should take a look at Super Beta Prostate supplement reviews.

 And the Don'ts

1.       Prostate sufferers should avoid caffeine and sweetened beverages. They act as diuretics and intensify the problem by irritating the bladder and urethra.

2.       Avoid spicy foods, as they can increase the painful burning sensation felt during urination.

3.       Red meat, deep-fried food and fast food contain saturated fats that are extremely harmful for the body, including the prostate. They can cause heart disease in the long run and increase the risk of prostate enlargement and obesity.

4.       Consume alcohol in moderation. Don’t drink any more than 2 glasses of alcoholic drinks in a day.

Remember that diet is an important aspect of prostate therapy. Look at these dietary changes with an open mind and it won't be too tough to follow them through. You can come across interesting and easy recipes online which comprises all these foods. So get creative in the kitchen and eat your way to a happy and healthy prostate!

Author's Profile

If you’re wary of products that are hyped up with exaggerated claims, you can be sure there’s no Super Beta Prostate scam. Men wishing to alleviate their bothersome urinary problems and promote a healthy prostate should take a look at Super Beta Prostate supplement reviews.

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