Becoming intact why more and more men want their foreskins back.
Men in America are asking tougher and more insightful questions about a procedure that was once taken for granted – circumcision. At its peak of American popularity in the 1980s, about 80% of American men underwent this surgery shortly after birth. Back then, it was common medical opinion that circumcision was safe and had no long-term consequences for men’s sexual health. Now, as new studies have been conducted and the experience of thousands of circumcised men have been evaluated, men have questions – questions about the medical necessity of circumcision, questions about the origin of this practice in the U.S., and questions about what is really lost when the foreskin is amputated.
This rise in consciousness about the nature of circumcision has put many men in a difficult and uncomfortable position. They had no ability to consent to this procedure that was forced upon them (even if it was recommended with the best of intentions), and they are now faced with the task of living with the sexual and psychological consequences of a diminished anatomy. This can affect their ability to form lasting romantic bonds with others, and in many cases it results in unnecessary medical expenses as these men search for answers about sexual dysfunctions that they can’t explain.
The root cause of these difficulties can be understood once a basic knowledge of the male anatomy is provided. The foreskin is not a frivolous part of the male anatomy, but rather an integral component of the complete male sexual response system. Scholarly studies have now even begun to confirm what nature knows instinctively. The foreskin provides protection for the glans, helping to maintain its sensitivity. This function is lost after circumcision, resulting in decreased sensitivity due to keratinization (hardening) of the glans. The foreskin also provides stimulation and protection for the female partner by facilitating a smoother and more natural style of penetration.