Men, Aging, and the Prostate Gland

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    Apr 22, 2013
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Men, Aging, and the Prostate Gland Photo by Jeffrey Eadie

The prostate is a small gland found in men. It carries out the task of nurturing the sperm by producing a thick fluid that constitutes a part of semen. Prostate problems are common in men after the age of 50. As men age, the prostate gland undergoes a growth spurt which can cause trouble with urinary and sexual functions. This happens because of the way the prostate is situated. It lies below the bladder and wraps itself around the urethra. If and when it grows, it squeezes against the bladder and urethra. This can result in a troubled urinary flow and can also be embarrassing during sexual intercourse.
Signs of an Aging Prostate

• Hesitant urine stream, trouble controlling the flow of urine
• Leaking after urination
• Urgent need to urinate which increases at night
• Incomplete emptying of the bladder
• Straining to urinate
• Feeble urine stream

These signs are the usually the most telltale signs of an impending prostate problem. If you’re over 50, experience these signs, or have a history of prostate disease in the family, schedule an annual checkup with your doctor. This will help the doctor to assess your current medical condition and keep it from getting worse. Additionally, making certain changes to your everyday habits can prove very beneficial to an aging prostate.

Lifestyle Changes for an Aging Prostate

  • Eat a low-fat, high-fiber diet. If you’re a meat eater, eat grass fed animal products and limit your consumption of red meat. Include more fruits and vegetables in your meals, specially broccoli, cabbage, tomatoes, turnips, watermelon, squash, red pepper, onions, and garlic.
  • Try a herbal approach. Super Beta Prostate Supplement reviews indicate that it’s a supplement containing plant sterols from nuts, fruits, and legumes which play an active role in supporting prostate health. They reduce inflammation which subsequently reduces urinary woes. Go through its reviews and testimonials. Don’t get sidetracked by Super Beta Prostate scam stories. The ingredients in it have support from science and have been proven to help men with prostate problems.
  • Perform Kegel exercises to regain control of the bladder muscles and improve urinary flow.
  • Don’t cut back on drinking water. Water purges the toxins from the system and keeps it clean. But go easy on caffeinated, carbonated, and alcoholic beverages.
  • Regular exercise is a must for a healthy body. It keeps your weight in check and strengthens the immune system. Men who worked out diligently reported fewer prostate complaints.
  • Don’t take prescription drugs without consulting a physician especially if you suffer from a growing prostate.


Don’t settle for prostate problems and don’t think of them as a mandatory part of aging. It’s true that you can’t do much to avoid them; prostate growth is a natural process. But you can certainly take steps to change your mode of life and incorporate healthy habits to lessen the complications brought on by an aging prostate and lead a long and happy life.

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Super Beta Prostate Supplement reviews indicate that it’s a supplement containing plant sterols from nuts, fruits, and legumes which play an active role in supporting prostate health.Don’t get sidetracked by Super Beta Prostate scam stories

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