5 Essential Steps to Maintain Prostate Health

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    Apr 22, 2013
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5 Essential Steps to Maintain Prostate Health Photo by Jeffrey Eadie

The prostate gland, a small walnut-shaped gland found in men, is situated below the bladder and around the urethra. It produces a seminal fluid that protects the sperm. Some men experience prostate problems as they age. This is mainly because over the course of time, the prostate expands and presses against the bladder and urethra. This obstructs urinary flow and can also interfere with ejaculation. Men can avoid or delay the onset of such conditions by taking the following steps to maintain a healthy prostate.

5 Essential Steps to Maintain Prostate Health

  1. Eat the right diet. Choose foods low in fat and sugar and high in fiber and antioxidants. Men who ate more fruits and vegetables and less meat products had a healthier prostate. Eat tomatoes, grapefruit, watermelon, red & yellow pepper, guavas, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, etc. If you’re a meat-eater, go for grass-fed animal products.Look for items containing the good fats. Fatty fish, chicken breast, walnuts, pecans, coconuts, olive and peanut oil, avocados are foods containing healthful fats with heart-friendly properties. Soy has prostate-protective properties, so products like soy milk, soy powder, soy nuggets, and tofu are good for prostate health.
  2. Work out regularly. Exercise builds a strong immune system, maintains favorable hormonal levels, and keeps weight in check. Men who exercised daily reported fewer prostate complaints. Any kind of physical activity is fine, as long as it gets you moving for a few minutes every day.
  3. Use supplements. A Super Beta Prostate review suggests that men using this supplement found tremendous relief from their prostate problem. It contains Beta Sitosterol, the magical ingredient that inhibits prostate inflammation by binding to it. These are genuine plant sterols derived from legumes, fruits, and nuts and have been scientifically proven to alleviate prostate conditions and help men get a good night’s sleep by reducing the number of nightly bathroom trips – so don’t get confused by Super Beta Prostate scam stories.
  4. Limit your consumption of alcoholic and caffeinated beverages. Caffeine is a known diuretic; it’ll further aggravate your condition by increasing urinary frequency. Excess alcohol is bad for the system and harms the prostate as well.
  5. Perform Kegel exercises. They strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and help you achieve better control over urination. To do them: locate the muscles that you use during urination by starting and stopping the flow of urine. Once you’ve found them, contract and release them gradually, counting each time till 5. Repeat this set 10 times a day. You’ll notice a marked improvement in your urine a few weeks after you begin these exercises.


Remember that the prostate plays a very important role in urinary and sexual functions. Abide by the following steps outlined above to keep your prostate healthy and avoid serious health complications that can pose a danger to your quality of life.

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A Super Beta Prostate review suggests that men using this supplement found tremendous relief from their prostate problem.Don’t get confused by Super Beta Prostate scam stories

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