Cancer of the Kidney - Symptoms to Watch out For

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    Oct 09, 2013
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Cancer of the Kidney - Symptoms to Watch out For Photo by Pete Jameson

While our war against cancer rages on, there is still no long lasting and simple cure. This tragedy is complicated by the fact that very little is yet known about the causes. Although we know what might increase the chances of contracting it, a definitive cause still eludes us. Discussed herein are three of the most serious cancer types the cancer of bladder, the cancer of kidney and prostate cancer.

Cancer in the bladder: Causes cancerous growth in the bladder tissues which store urine. Smoking accounts for almost half of the bladder cases! It is easily treatable at the early stages and hence detecting it early on is important, here are the symptoms to watch out for:

- Symptoms of Bladder Cancer:

1. The most common is bleeding in urine
2. Intermittent urination
3. Occurrence of Urinary tract infections
4. Swollen lower legs, Pain in the lower back is generally indicative of advanced stage of Bladder cancer

Prostate cancer: Occurs when the cells of the prostate gland grow out of control. Regrettably prostate cancer has no early warning signals; however there are certain conditions that may point out to problems in the prostate

- Pain on ejaculation
- High frequency of urination
- Inability to control urine
- Urinary Tract infection

In case of above symptoms it is best that you do a PSA (Prostatic Specific Antigen) test. A high PSA level may indicate Prostate cancer. It is therefore recommended that people above the age of 50 years should undergo an annual PSA level test for early detection. However an elevated PSA is not a definitive pointer to Prostate cancer as only a quarter of people with high PSA actually had prostate cancer.

Cancer of kidney: Put simply, it is an abnormal growth in the kidney resulting in a cyst which is filled with fluid. Kidney cancer is responsible for less than 2% of cancers and is treatable if detected early on as survival rates are about 80%.

- Causes are obesity, smoking, hypertension and hereditary factors
- Symptoms are as follows

1. Blood loss through the urine: Its amount is high enough to change the color of urine
2. Persistent pain under the ribs
3. Swelled up testicles veins(in men)

Robotics in surgery: With the inclusion of robotics in surgery all the above types are covered under it - Cystectomy-bladder cancer, Kidney surgery-kidney cancer, Prostatectomy-for prostate cancers

- Advantages
1. Precision cuts resulting in lesser scaring of skin
2. Shorter hospital stay
3. Less painful

- Disadvantages:
1. Surgeries expensive due to costly equipment
2. Very few doctors experienced in such operations

No doubt, cancer proved to be one of the toughest battles for mankind. However, with the advent of robotics in surgery there's bright hope to overcome it with precision. Find out more about it right here.

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No doubt, cancer proved to be one of the toughest battles for mankind. However, with the advent of robotics in surgery there's bright hope to overcome it with precision. Find out more about it right here.

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