English Language

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    Sep 25, 2012
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There is no doubt that English is a global language.  The role of English language is evident in many countries where large number of people speak English as a mother tongue.

Many language experts indicate that ``in the case of English this would mean the USA, Canada, Britain, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, several Caribbean countries, and a sprinkling of other countries``. (Crystal, 2003:4).  English language attracts people because of the wealth of literature and knowledge enshrined in it. Many countries all over the world are witnessing a popular increase in public demand for teaching English language from kindergarten.  

English language learners try to make the best use of English in order to develop themselves culturally and materially. English language is their window to the world. People also use English to promote their worldview and spiritual heritage throughout the globe. Present-day English is an immensely varied language, having absorbed material from many other tongues. It is the official language of air transport and shipping, the leading language of science, technology, computers and commerce; and a major medium of education, publishing, and international negotiation.

Over the years, English has become one of the principal assets in getting global leadership for books written by foreign authors and for films made by foreign directors in English language. For this reason, many scholars agree that English is probably the most widely used language in the world. They also frequently refer to its latest phase as World English. Linguists generally agree that ``there had been luck, but also cunning at the beginnings of what was to become English`s most subtle and ruthless characteristic of all:`` its capacity to absorb others``. (Bragg, 2004:2).

 English easily borrows words from other languages and has made many new words to show advances in science and technology. It is a vibrant and developing language which is changing constantly.  They also point out that ``the English language of today reflects many centuries of development``. (Baugh and Cable, 2002:1). Contemporary English is rich, flexible, and adaptable language. That`s why it is such an interesting field of study for language experts.


1.Baugh, Albert and Cable, Thomas. (2002). A History of the English Language. London: Routledge.

2. Bragg, Melvin. (2004). The Adventure of English. New York: Arcade Publishing.

3. Crystal, David. (2003). English as a Global Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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