Hire a Home Cleaning Service for After Construction Cleaning

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    Jun 14, 2013
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Maid In America
Maid In America
Photo by JD Hancock

You have just finished up with the remodeling or construction of your new house or office. You have removed the former structure, built a new addition and made some wonderful changes to your house. Now that the renovation is complete you may feel like your work is finally over and that you can sit back and relax now. But has your work really finished yet? Look around at all the mess that has been left behind after the renovation work. After spending so much time, money and effort in the construction you definitely don’t want your home or office to stay all dirty with the dirt and dusts left behind after the construction project and want it to look clean and beautiful.

When you get your house renovated or newly built, whether it is a long-term or quick job, the contractors or construction workers typically leave behind dust from all the sawing and flaking drywall. So it becomes really necessary to clean up your house to get it sparkling, smelling fresh and looking beautiful as it deserves. So whether it is your office or your home, a do-it-yourself renovation project or a construction project for which you have hired a contractor, it may be a good idea to hire a professional house cleaning service or after construction cleanup service to clean up the mess, get rid of all the dirt and clutter and finish the work, as post construction cleaning needs some special techniques, equipment and tools to ensure that the dust does not return and your house looks sparkling new.

When you hire a house cleaning service, the housekeeping staff or maids will come over to your place and clean up all the surfaces in your newly built or renovated house, remove all the trash, dust, debris, sawdust and other dust and dirt accumulated after the construction workers left. The housekeeping services have all the required crew and equipment like the dumpsters, trucks, bobcats, etc. needed to get rid of the garbage in your post construction establishment quickly and efficiently. And the housekeeping staff or maids don’t just remove the construction left over material and trash; they also provide other services as required.

Some of the common services offered by housekeeping services for after construction clean up include:

• Sweeping and mopping floors and vacuuming all carpeted areas.

• Dusting and cleaning closets, cabinets, drawers and desks inside and out.

• Cleaning the fireplace.

• Washing and sanitizing all surfaces.

• Cleaning all windows (interior and exterior), frames, sills, and tracks and sliding glass doors.

• Dusting and polishing furniture.

• Full cleaning and sanitizing the bathroom surfaces- bathtubs, sinks, vanity tops, shower stalls, toilets, shower doors, tiles, vanity cabinets and other bathroom appliances.

• Cleaning and polishing all mirrors and glass.

• Full cleaning and disinfecting the kitchen surfaces- countertops, kitchen cabinets, floors, kitchen appliances, sinks, etc.

• Cleaning all the storage closets, garages, drains, etc.

• Cleaning and polishing all stainless steel sinks, plumbing fixtures, etc.

• Dusting and cleaning the baseboards, light fixtures, book cases, hoods and vents, etc

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When you hire a house cleaning service, the housekeeping staff or maids will come over to your place and clean up all the surfaces in your newly built or renovated house, remove all the trash, dust, debris, sawdust and other dust and dirt accumulated after the construction workers left.

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