The Importance of Fireproofing Your Home

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    Aug 28, 2013
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The Importance of Fireproofing Your Home Photo by Max Schau

Homeowners pay and install many kinds of materials to the exterior of their homes, like cedar, vinyl and kinds of fiber cement, to isolate them from any nature element and give the home an attractive look. In recent years, many people started to worry whether or not their homes will withstand the power of high heat and how to reduce the damage made from it. Nowadays with the increasing global temperatures the risks of spontaneous house fires also increases. This is why fire departments recommend for homeowners to use materials that are non-combustible for the exteriors of their houses.

Cedar siding is popular for many homes because of the natural look it brings. And although it looks great and authentic, cedar is also perfect for starting fire. There's evidence that light reflected from glass surfaces such as roofs and windows concentrates sunlight and can actually set cedar planks on fire which can lead to serious damage.

Thanks to the progress of modern technologies manufacturers developed techniques for the vinyl siding to withstand high environmental temperatures. However, these PVC-based products maximum is around 60-70 degrees Celsius. There are many ways your exterior walls can be exposed to temperatures higher than this – having a barbecue or a fire pit too close, a fire nearby and even reflections of your neighbours' windows. These can cause severe damage to the outside of your wall and even destroy it. There's a way to distinguish the pattern of the melting and distortion that is caused by the reflected light from windows. A thermal distortion is a pattern of warping or melting across the sides of your vinyl. Unfortunately, in order to avoid damage claims, the manufacturers add an exclusion in the warranty that says they are not eligible to replace or repair materials if thermal distortion is at hand.

Fiber cement is the best alternative when it comes to protecting your home from fire. It's a mixture of cement, silica and sand which makes it heat-resistant and durable. This type of cement can withstand being next to a house devoured by flames without melting or igniting. Fire departments rate fiber cement as the best and most durable material on the market. Although the price is higher and the after builder cleaning is harder since more building materials are required, fiber cement is the best option for your home.

Protecting your home from fire or heat damage is really important. Using the right materials can be of a great importance for your home. Consult professionals to help you and remember that house fires are a big risk for your home. 

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Duct cleaning Melbourne services recommend you do a thorough check of your air ventilation system. In case of an actual fire a good ventilation system can save a life.

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